Acacia Gum Acacia, Acacia Tree, Arabic Gum, Arabic Tree, Gum TreeAsk PriceParts used We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :- Acacia Gum, Acacia Bark Send Enquiry ! Description A medium sized tree with a short, usually attaining a height of...Parts usedWe are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :-Acacia Gum, Acacia BarkSend Enquiry !DescriptionA medium sized tree with a short, usually attaining a height of 15 m bark almost black, to dark brown, deeply cracked, or longitudinally, fissured; leaves bipinnate, with spinscent stipulates 2.5-5.0 cm long. Flowers crowded in long-peduncled globose heads, forming axillary clusters of 2-5 heads, fragrant, golden-yellow. Pods white, flat containing 8-12 seeds, 7.5-15.0 cm long. Chemical constituentsAcacia Bark yeilds several polyphenolic compounds, catechin, epicatechin, cpigallocatechin, quercetin, gallic acid, leucocyanidin gallate, sucrose and tannin, GUM: contains galactose, L-rhamnose, L-arabinose and its derivatives, along with four aldobiouronic acids. Cosmetic UsesGum Acacia is a demulcent and serves by the viscidity of its solution to cover and sheathe inflamed surfaces. It is usually administered in the form of a mucilage - Mucilago Acaciae, British Pharmacopoeia and United States Pharmacopoeia made from small pieces of Gum Acacia dissolved in water and strainedThe British Pharmacopoeia directs it to be used as an excipient in the preparation of troches. Compound Mucilage of Acacia - Pill-coating Acacia - is made from Gum Acacia, 1 in 10, with tragacanth, chloroform and water, and is used for moistening pills previous to coating. Gum Acacia is an ingredient of the official Pilula Ferri, Pulvis Amygdalae compositus, Pulvis Tragacanthae compositus, all the official Trochisci, and various syrups, pastes and pastilles or jujubes.know more7391952897Get Best PriceCall Now
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