Chamomile Flowers Natural CosmeticAsk PriceParts Offered Calendula Petals, Pot Marigold, Marigold Petals, Oil Chemical Constituents Triterpense, Resins, Bitter glucosides, Volatile oil, Sterols, Flavonoids,...Parts OfferedCalendula Petals, Pot Marigold, Marigold Petals, OilChemical Constituents Triterpense, Resins, Bitter glucosides, Volatile oil, Sterols, Flavonoids, Mucilage, Carotenes. DescriptionAn aromatic, erect, annual herb, upto 60cm in high, stem angular glandular, hairy, leaves long, lower spathulate, entire, upper lanceolate. With cordate-amplexicaul base, flowers heads terminal, heterogamous, light yellow to deep orange, ray florets fertile. Cosmetic Uses Calendula petals can be used to make a nourishing skin cream or cleanser, and a strong infusion made from marigold petals can be used to lighten hair. Flowers are used for hair rinse, herbal bath for stimulation to aid circulation and sooth skin. Combine with chamomile and comfrey for an all-purpose soothing mix for all skin types. Good in bath or facial mixtures. Used in the bath is considered stimulating. Cosmetic Flower Add petals to creams and baths for cleansing, healing and softening the skin. Aromatic Pungent to sweet aroma, deters flies. Calendula used both internally and externally has been found to be one of the single most useful herbs in skin care. It is useful for cuts, abrasions, wounds, bruises, fungal infections, rashes and insect bites. The flowers were used on a large scale by surgeons during the American Civil War to treat wounds and there it received its highest recognition. Used in a massage oil it is said to help get rid of cellulite. Medicinal UsesAnti-inflammatory, relieves muscle spasms, Astringent, Prevents haemorrhaging, Heals wounds antiseptic, Detoxifying, Mildly oestrongenic. Calendula is said to encourage healing, aid digestion, fight fungal infections and cure diaper rash. this flower can be used as many herbal medicinal remedies for headaches, toothaches, stomachaches, fever reducers and menstrual cramps. It can reduce swelling in insect bites, sprains, jaundice, sore eyes, wounds and other skin irritations when the calendula is made into an ointment. Lip balms can be made to soothe chapped lips as well. The calendula's bright colors ranging from gold to bright orange have also been boiled to make brilliant dyes for fabrics, cosmetics and food.know more1659400497Get Best PriceCall Now Rose PetalsAsk PriceParts Offered We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :- Rose petals, Rose Oil, Rose water Description A small, erect, prickly shrub with unequal, large, hooked prickles...Parts OfferedWe are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :-Rose petals, Rose Oil, Rose waterDescriptionA small, erect, prickly shrub with unequal, large, hooked prickles and many bristles, leaves compound, alternate, leaflets usually five, rachis not prickly, flowers usually pink, very fragrant, very double on long slender pedicels, calyx tube globose, ovoid, the mouth contracted, lobes 4-5 imbricate, petals many, stames many, inserted on the mouth of the calyx tube, carpels many in the bottom of the calyx tube, style subterminal, free stigma thickened, ovules solitary, pendulous, fruit a fleshy his enclosing bony achenes, seeds small, pendulous. Chemical ConstituentsEssential oil, Querctin, Kaempferol and cyaniding from whole plant, cyaniding 3, 5- diglucoside from petalsm. Detection of citronell, nerol, and phenylethanol in essential oil. Flowers contain a bitter principle, tannin matter, fatty oil and organic acids. Hips contain the pigments lycopene. ? -and y-carotenes, rubixanthin, zeaxanthin, xanthophylla and taranthin. Cosmetic UseRose is good for most skin types and is used in a wide range of cosmetics. Rosewater is a natural cosmetic made from Rose oil, Alcohol, and distilled water. Used to make cold creams and lotions and other cosmetic uses. may be used in potpourri as a pleasant cent. Mix with vegetable glycerine for moisturizing use. Mostly perfumery, also in toilet preparations, lozenges and toothpaste. Homes uses in butter, syrup, jams and honey. Rose water is used in desserts, pastries and cakes.know more1659472712Get Best PriceCall Now ChamomileAsk PriceParts Offered We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :- Chamomile Flowers Cosmetic Uses Chamomile, closely related to the daisy, has become one of the most popular...Parts Offered We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :-Chamomile FlowersCosmetic UsesChamomile, closely related to the daisy, has become one of the most popular herbal remedies in the world, with an extremely broad range of applications and uses, both internally and externally. For example, it is used in a great many cosmetic creams and lotions, and combined with other herbs such as lavender to create aromatic bathing experiences. When used in such external manners, it is prized for its volatile oils. A great and powerful herb that tones, has a calming quality, improves tissue regeneration and soothes the skin. Skincare Benefits of Chamomileinclude soothing and softening the skin, alleviating rashes, abrasions, and burns. Even more serious skin conditions as eczema may respond positively to topical chamomile ointments or lotions. It has anti-bacterial properties as well, which may help facilitate healing of various infections.know more1659837997Get Best PriceCall Now ChamomileAsk PriceParts Offered We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :- Chamomile FlowersCosmetic Uses Chamomile, closely related to the daisy, has become one of the most popular...Parts Offered We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :-Chamomile FlowersCosmetic UsesChamomile, closely related to the daisy, has become one of the most popular herbal remedies in the world, with an extremely broad range of applications and uses, both internally and externally. For example, it is used in a great many cosmetic creams and lotions, and combined with other herbs such as lavender to create aromatic bathing experiences. When used in such external manners, it is prized for its volatile oils. A great and powerful herb that tones, has a calming quality, improves tissue regeneration and soothes the skin. Skincare Benefits of Chamomileinclude soothing and softening the skin, alleviating rashes, abrasions, and burns. Even more serious skin conditions as eczema may respond positively to topical chamomile ointments or lotions. It has anti-bacterial properties as well, which may help faciliate healing of various infections. Infusion UsesSoothing bath or skin problems bath. Skin lotion, facial, shampoo and rinse for blonds (lightens blond hair). Softens rough skin, and as a skin cleanser. COMPRESS of INFUSION is used to soothe irritated skin and to reduce puffiness, for sensitive skin, inflamed skin, eczema and seborrhoea. Also as a rinse for fragile hair. Chamomile Tea is an excellent rinse for fine hair, especially during hot weather - just be sure to strain it well before using! It is also famed for lightening hair, which is why it is frequently used in shampoos for blonde hair.Chamomile bath for a relaxing bath to ease weariness and pain, add a few drops of chamomile essential oil to bath water. Alternatively, make up a litre of chamomile tea and add to the bath water. Chamomile Essential Oil A spicy relaxing scent, healing and antiseptic; beneficial for skin and hair care. Medicinal Uses : To relieve stiff aching muscles try a chamomile massage oil (we make the massage oil to order so allow 3-4 weeks for delivery). The active ingredient apigenin in chamomile has anti-histamic properties. Chamomile has been clinically proven to have anti-inflammatory and repairing properties. This could be useful in treating rashes and dermatitis. Double blind studies have found that chamomile also has a significant effect in decreasing wound area and assists in drying the wound out. Antiseptic, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, digestive system relaxant (stimulates normal digestion), calmative (good to soothe overstimulation and safe for children) and mild . Used as a sleep inducer and for anxiety. Stimulates the immune system. Beneficial for hyperactive children as an aid to dispel tension and calm muscular and nervous systems. Used for vertigo, hysteria, stress, and hyper-sensitivity.know more1870361297Get Best PriceCall Now Chamomile (Maticia Chamomile)Ask PriceParts Offered We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :- Chamomile Flowers Cosmetic Uses Chamomile, closely related to the daisy, has become one of the most popular...Parts Offered We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :-Chamomile FlowersCosmetic UsesChamomile, closely related to the daisy, has become one of the most popular herbal remedies in the world, with an extremely broad range of applications and uses, both internally and externally. For example, it is used in a great many cosmetic creams and lotions, and combined with other herbs such as lavender to create aromatic bathing experiences. When used in such external manners, it is prized for its volatile oils. A great and powerful herb that tones, has a calming quality, improves tissue regeneration and soothes the skin.know more1660020991Get Best PriceCall Now Chamomile (Maticia Chamomile)Ask PriceParts Offered We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :- Chamomile Flowers Request a Quote ! Cosmetic Uses Chamomile, closely related to the daisy, has become one of...Parts Offered We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :-Chamomile FlowersRequest a Quote !Cosmetic UsesChamomile, closely related to the daisy, has become one of the most popular herbal remedies in the world, with an extremely broad range of applications and uses, both internally and externally. For example, it is used in a great many cosmetic creams and lotions, and combined with other herbs such as lavender to create aromatic bathing experiences. When used in such external manners, it is prized for its volatile oils. A great and powerful herb that tones, has a calming quality, improves tissue regeneration and soothes the skin.know more1660128791Get Best PriceCall Now Safflower SeedsAsk PriceParts Offered We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :- Safflower, Safflower Seeds Description An annual, erect, branching herb 0.6-1.0 m high, glabrous; stem whitish,...Parts OfferedWe are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :-Safflower, Safflower SeedsDescriptionAn annual, erect, branching herb 0.6-1.0 m high, glabrous; stem whitish, striate. Leaves sessile, somewhat clasping, broad-laneolate or lanceolate-oblong, attenuated at both ends, strongly dentate, slightly spinous; ventation pinnate and netted. lnflorescene a broad COrymb, heads 3-5 borne on leafy peduncles. Flowers orange-red, fruit a white achene, obovoid, 4-angled, truncate at the top with 4 bosses; no pappus. Chemical CompositionSafflower contains 2 coloring matters: the first, which is soluble in water, is yellow (called Safflor yellow); the other has a beautiful red color, greenish in reflected light, is insoluble in water, fixed and volatile oils, ether, and in diluted acids, is slightly soluble in alcohol, but readily soluble in alkaline solutions, in which, however, it readily decomposes, with discharge of the color, and is termed carthamin, or carthamic acid (C14H16O7). Its acid properties are feeble. Dried and mixed with French chalk, it constitutes rouge, which is used as a cosmetic. Cosmetic UsesOne of the main commercial uses of Safflower is in the dyeing industry.The dyestuff of safflower is highly valued for its delicate shades of pink and for its fragrance.It is also widely used for medicinal, cosmetic,industrial and culinary purposes. Flowers powdered for rouge-like cosmetic. In Japan, geishas wore lipstick made of crushed safflower petals to paint the eyebrows and edges of the eyes as well as the lips. Infusion of tea from dried petals is laxative, induces perspiration, and reduces fever. Yellow dye is obtained by steeping the flowers in water, it is used as a saffron substitute A red dye can be obtained by steeping the flowers in alcohol, it is used for dyeing cloth and, mixed with talcum powder, is used as a rouge to colour the cheeks.know more1659473448Get Best PriceCall Now ChamomileAsk PriceParts Offered We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :- Chamomile Flowers Cosmetic Uses Chamomile, closely related to the daisy, has become one of the most popular...Parts Offered We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :-Chamomile FlowersCosmetic UsesChamomile, closely related to the daisy, has become one of the most popular herbal remedies in the world, with an extremely broad range of applications and uses, both internally and externally. For example, it is used in a great many cosmetic creams and lotions, and combined with other herbs such as lavender to create aromatic bathing experiences. When used in such external manners, it is prized for its volatile oils. A great and powerful herb that tones, has a calming quality, improves tissue regeneration and soothes the skin. Skincare Benefits of Chamomileinclude soothing and softening the skin, alleviating rashes, abrasions, and burns. Even more serious skin conditions as eczema may respond positively to topical chamomile ointments or lotions. It has anti-bacterial properties as well, which may help faciliate healing of various infections. Infusion UsesSoothing bath or skin problems bath. Skin lotion, facial, shampoo and rinse for blonds (lightens blond hair). Softens rough skin, and as a skin cleanser. COMPRESS of INFUSION is used to soothe irritated skin and to reduce puffiness, for sensitive skin, inflamed skin, eczema and seborrhoea. Also as a rinse for fragile hair. Chamomile Tea is an excellent rinse for fine hair, especially during hot weather - just be sure to strain it well before using! It is also famed for lightening hair, which is why it is frequently used in shampoos for blonde hair.Chamomile bath for a relaxing bath to ease weariness and pain, add a few drops of chamomile essential oil to bath water. Alternatively, make up a litre of chamomile tea and add to the bath water.know more1659409655Get Best PriceCall Now ChamomileAsk PriceParts Offered We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :- Chamomile Flowers Cosmetic Uses Chamomile, closely related to the daisy, has become one of the most popular...Parts Offered We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :-Chamomile FlowersCosmetic UsesChamomile, closely related to the daisy, has become one of the most popular herbal remedies in the world, with an extremely broad range of applications and uses, both internally and externally. For example, it is used in a great many cosmetic creams and lotions, and combined with other herbs such as lavender to create aromatic bathing experiences. When used in such external manners, it is prized for its volatile oils. A great and powerful herb that tones, has a calming quality, improves tissue regeneration and soothes the skin. Skincare Benefits of Chamomileinclude soothing and softening the skin, alleviating rashes, abrasions, and burns. Even more serious skin conditions as eczema may respond positively to topical chamomile ointments or lotions. It has anti-bacterial properties as well, which may help faciliate healing of various infections. Infusion UsesSoothing bath or skin problems bath. Skin lotion, facial, shampoo and rinse for blonds (lightens blond hair). Softens rough skin, and as a skin cleanser. COMPRESS of INFUSION is used to soothe irritated skin and to reduce puffiness, for sensitive skin, inflamed skin, eczema and seborrhoea. Also as a rinse for fragile hair. Chamomile Tea is an excellent rinse for fine hair, especially during hot weather - just be sure to strain it well before using! It is also famed for lightening hair, which is why it is frequently used in shampoos for blonde hair.Chamomile bath for a relaxing bath to ease weariness and pain, add a few drops of chamomile essential oil to bath water. Alternatively, make up a litre of chamomile tea and add to the bath water.know more1659531497Get Best PriceCall Now ChamomileAsk PriceParts Offered We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :- Chamomile Flowers Cosmetic Uses Chamomile, closely related to the daisy, has become one of the most popular...Parts Offered We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :-Chamomile FlowersCosmetic UsesChamomile, closely related to the daisy, has become one of the most popular herbal remedies in the world, with an extremely broad range of applications and uses, both internally and externally. For example, it is used in a great many cosmetic creams and lotions, and combined with other herbs such as lavender to create aromatic bathing experiences. When used in such external manners, it is prized for its volatile oils. A great and powerful herb that tones, has a calming quality, improves tissue regeneration and soothes the skin. Skincare Benefits of Chamomileinclude soothing and softening the skin, alleviating rashes, abrasions, and burns. Even more serious skin conditions as eczema may respond positively to topical chamomile ointments or lotions. It has anti-bacterial properties as well, which may help faciliate healing of various infections. Infusion UsesSoothing bath or skin problems bath. Skin lotion, facial, shampoo and rinse for blonds (lightens blond hair). Softens rough skin, and as a skin cleanser. COMPRESS of INFUSION is used to soothe irritated skin and to reduce puffiness, for sensitive skin, inflamed skin, eczema and seborrhoea. Also as a rinse for fragile hair. Chamomile Tea is an excellent rinse for fine hair, especially during hot weather - just be sure to strain it well before using! It is also famed for lightening hair, which is why it is frequently used in shampoos for blonde hair.Chamomile bath for a relaxing bath to ease weariness and pain, add a few drops of chamomile essential oil to bath water. Alternatively, make up a litre of chamomile tea and add to the bath water. know more1659735162Get Best PriceCall Now
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