Perfume Fragrance Ingredients Dill, Indian DillAsk PriceAn annual aromatic herb; leaves de compound, aromatic; flowers pale yellow, in compound umbles; fruit sub-elliptical, the mericarps remaining joined together vittae with...An annual aromatic herb; leaves de compound, aromatic; flowers pale yellow, in compound umbles; fruit sub-elliptical, the mericarps remaining joined together vittae with irregular marginal walls. Dill is attractive, feathery-leafed annual growing to approx. 1m. The yellow flowers are borne in compound umbels in summer and are attractive to bees. Chemical ConstituentsThe major constituents identified in the seed oil are carvone, dillapiole, limonene, and dihydrocarvone. The herb oil contains, less carvonethan the seed oil. It contains mainly d-a-phellandrene, eugenol, thymol, isoeugenol, linalyl acetate, and phellandral. Cosmetic UsesChewing the seeds improves bad breath. Dill makes a useful addition to cough, cold and flu remedies, and is a mild diuretic. Dill increases milk production, and when taken regularly by nursing mothers, helps to prevent colic in their babies. Dill seed is one of the most flavored herbs for Iranians and in recent years the herb and its seeds have found applications as natural reducing agent of blood glycerides in Europe, specially in Germany. Dill oil gives pleasant aroma and flavor to any dish. Uses in food different soup, sauce, salads, pickles, vinegars, fish and rice. It is also used in confectionary, cakes, bread and apple pie. The leaves make a very attractive garnish. Tea made from dill seeds and leaves is sometimes recommended a mild , for stomach upsets and flatulence. Cooled tea is called dill water. The seeds have a pungent taste similar to caraway seed. UsesSowa herb and oil are in great demand as a condiment for flavouring pickles, curries, soups and salads, and confectionery. They are also used for making tea. Historical UseAncient Egyptians used dill for its soothing properties; likewise, the common name originates from the Norse "dilla", meaning "lull". Greeks believed dill could cure hiccups, and war heroes returning home wore dill garlands. In the Middle Ages, dill offered protection from witchcraft. Culinary UseThe seed, flowering top, or leaves combine well with a variety of foods. Dill seed tastes stronger than the leaf, and generally is used as a pickling spice or in longer cooking recipes. TIPBring one pint of white almost to a boil, remove from heat and add 4 tsp of dill seeds, let steep 30 minutes and strain. Drink 1 ½ cups a half hour before retiring to sleep well. To the same directions, but substitute for the 4 tsp of dill, instead add 1 tsp each of anise, caraway, coriander and dill to stimulate the flow of breast milk in nursing mothers. Chewing dill seeds removes badknow more7391807697Get Best PriceCall Now Mint, Spearmint, Mentha Spicata, Garden Mint, Lamb MintAsk PriceParts offered Wholesale suppliers and exporters of :- Mint Oil, Spearmint Oil, Mentha Leaves, Mentha Oil, Mentha Spicata, Mint Crystal Send Enquiry ! Description A glabrous...Parts offeredWholesale suppliers and exporters of :-Mint Oil, Spearmint Oil, Mentha Leaves, Mentha Oil, Mentha Spicata, Mint CrystalSend Enquiry !DescriptionA glabrous perennial, 30-90cm high, with creeping rhizomes, leaves smooth or nearly so, sessile, lanceolate to ovate, acute, coarsely, dentate, smooth above, glandular below, flowers lilac, in loose, cylindrical slender, interrupted spikes. Chemical ConstituentsMajor components in the spearming oil are carvone, dipentent, dihydrocarveol, dihydrocarveol acetate, and limonene. Cosmetic UsesMint oil is commonly used for medicinal, culinary and cosmetic purposes. Mint is well known for its ability to ease indigestion and upset stomach. The menthol in mint can help clear sinuses and relieve cold symptoms. In some cases, mint is used to alleviate migraines and fever. It is best to consult a physician before self-treating any potential ailment or symptoms. Mint is Aromatic, cosmetic, culinary, and medicinal. Fresh or dried mint leaves scent sachets and potpourris. Spearmint is used in baths to refresh and cool skin, in facials to cleanse the skin, and in lotions. Mint oil has wide uses in tooth paste, mouth wash, chewing gum, candy, hair oil, perfume, cigarettes and cosmetic products. Mint oil can be found in a wide variety of common household products, ranging from tea to toothpaste. The oil is gathered via a distillation process whereby the mint leaves are steamed, allowing natural oils to surface. It can take hundreds of leaves to produce just a few teaspoons of mint oil, but just a couple drops can be extremely powerful. Mint oil is also frequently added to massage oil, lotions and shampoos. Many renowned chefs include mint oil in their recipes to add flavor. It is also widely used in candy, cookies, jellies, and of course, chewing gum. The juices and drinks use freshly crushed mint leaves. Mint imparts a clean, refreshing taste, making it a popular ingredient in many types of foods. The home fragrance industry has capitalized on mint as well. Mint oil is often used in potpourri, sachets and room sprays. It is usually combined with other fragrant herbs such as lavender or bergamot and lends a revitalizing quality.know more7391814391Get Best PriceCall Now Mint, Peppermint, Field Mine, Japanese MintAsk PriceParts Offered We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :- Mint Leaves, Mint oil, Mint crystal, Mint chips Send Enquiry ! Description Perennial herbs, 30-50cm High :...Parts OfferedWe are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :-Mint Leaves, Mint oil, Mint crystal, Mint chipsSend Enquiry !DescriptionPerennial herbs, 30-50cm High : Stems quadrangular, erect or prostate, rooting at the nodes. Leaves opposite, ovate, softly tomentose on both sides, margins serrate, Inflorescence in axillary capitate whorl: flowers small, white or lilac. Chemical Constituents The whole plant yields an essential oil consisting of L-menthol 65-85%, menthhyl acetate, L-menthone, L-a-pinene, limonene. Cosmetic UsesMint Oil is commonly used for medicinal, culinary and cosmetic purposes. Mint is well known for its ability to ease indigestion and upset stomach. The menthol in mint can help clear sinuses and relieve cold symptoms. In some cases, mint is used to alleviate migraines and fever. It is best to consult a physician before self-treating any potential ailment or symptoms. Mint is Aromatic, cosmetic, culinary, and medicinal. Fresh or dried leaves scent sachets and potpourris. Spearmint is used in baths to refresh and cool skin, in facials to cleanse the skin, and in lotions. Mint oil has wide uses in tooth paste, mouth wash, chewing gum, candy, hair oil, perfume, cigarettes and cosmetic products. Mint oil can be found in a wide variety of common household products, ranging from tea to toothpaste. The oil is gathered via a distillation process whereby the mint leaves are steamed, allowing natural oils to surface. It can take hundreds of leaves to produce just a few teaspoons of mint oil, but just a couple drops can be extremely powerful. Mint oil is also frequently added to massage oil, lotions and shampoos.know more7391817955Get Best PriceCall Now Holy Basil, Sacred BasilAsk PriceAn erect much branched softly pubscent undershrub, 30-60cm high with red or purple subquadrangular branches, leaves simple, opposite, elliptic, oblong, obtuse or acute,...An erect much branched softly pubscent undershrub, 30-60cm high with red or purple subquadrangular branches, leaves simple, opposite, elliptic, oblong, obtuse or acute, entire, serrate, or dentate, pubscent on both sides, minutely gland dotted, petioles slender, hairy, flowers, purplish in elongate racemes in close whorls, stamens exserted, upper pair with a small bearded appendage at the base, fruits nutlets, smooth, not mucilaginous when wetted. Chemical ConstituentsEugenol, Eugenol methol ether and carvacrol, methyl chavicol cineole and linalool, Ursolic acid. Cosmetic UsesBasil is widely used in cosmetics, perfumes, shampoos and soaps. Formulated to restore luster, body and flexibility to limp and non-manageable hair. To strengthen and give volume without added weight. Contains Sea Alginate for a fine, gentle hair coating. Use in combination with Lemon Perfecting Rinse and ideally in conjunction with Holy Basil Conditioning Scalp Toner. Herbalists recommend basil tea for stomach aches, indigestion and constipation. They steep a teaspoon of dried basil leaves in a cup of boiling water to make a tea that soothes, relaxes and aids digestion. Use dried basil leaves in potpourris and sachets. Tulsi has been shown to be helpful in helping irritated skin feel better. Aromatic and used for drying, for fragrance in pot-pourris and sachets; cosmetic use in herbal bath mixtures and for bringing luster to the hair. Ursolic acid is one of the constituents of holy basil, which has anti ageing properties. Ursolic acid treatment improves the health of skin and hair. Ursolic acid and its derivatives form oil-resistant barriers on the skin and hair as they do in the waxy coating of fruits6. Ursolic acid has been used to treat photoaged skin because it prevents and improves the appearance of wrinkles and age spots by restoring the skin's collagen bundle structures and its elasticity. Holy Basil Conditioning in case of dandruff and itching we recommend using Scalp Toner each time after a cleansing treatment. It was said to strengthen faith, compassion, and mental clarity. More recent clinical experience shows that Basil increases blood flow to the brain, relieving mental fatigue, enhancing clear thinking, and improving memory. Basil also connects the thought process with speech, enhancing self-expression. Basil has been used as a sacred herb in India and Europe for many centuries. Basil is used in hair rinses to bring luster to hair. Usesthe plant is bitterm acrid, aromatic, stomatic, demulcent, diaphoretic, digestive, diuretic, expectorant, febrifuge,. Vermifuge and alexeteric. It is useful in cardiopathy, homeopathy, leucoderma, asthma, brochitis fever, otalgia, hepatopahty, vomiting, lumbago, hiccough, ophthalmia, gastropathy in children, genito-urinary disorders, rignworm, verminosis and skin diseases. Basil clears the sinuses, promotes digestion, and stimulates circulation, especially in the respiratory system. The herb has very important medicinal properties - notably its ability to reduce blood sugar levels. It also prevents peptic ulcers and other stress related conditions like hypertension, colitis and asthma. Basil is also used to treat cold and reduce fever, congestion and joint pain.know more7391821073Get Best PriceCall Now Calendula, Calendula Petals, Pot Marigold and PetalsAsk PriceParts Offered Calendula Petals, Pot Marigold, Marigold Petals, Oil Send Enquiry ! Chemical Constituents Triterpense, Resins, Bitter glucosides, Volatile oil, Sterols,...Parts OfferedCalendula Petals, Pot Marigold, Marigold Petals, OilSend Enquiry !Chemical Constituents Triterpense, Resins, Bitter glucosides, Volatile oil, Sterols, Flavonoids, Mucilage, Carotenes. DescriptionAn aromatic, erect, annual herb, upto 60cm in high, stem angular glandular, hairy, leaves long, lower spathulate, entire, upper lanceolate. With cordate-amplexicaul base, flowers heads terminal, heterogamous, light yellow to deep orange, ray florets fertile. Cosmetic Uses Calendula petals can be used to make a nourishing skin cream or cleanser, and a strong infusion made from marigold petals can be used to lighten hair. Flowers are used for hair rinse, herbal bath for stimulation to aid circulation and sooth skin. Combine with chamomile and comfrey for an all-purpose soothing mix for all skin types. Good in bath or facial mixtures. Used in the bath is considered stimulating. Cosmetic Flower Add petals to creams and baths for cleansing, healing and softening the skin. Aromatic Pungent to sweet aroma, deters flies. Calendula used both internally and externally has been found to be one of the single most useful herbs in skin care. It is useful for cuts, abrasions, wounds, bruises, fungal infections, rashes and insect bites. The flowers were used on a large scale by surgeons during the American Civil War to treat wounds and there it received its highest recognition. Used in a massage oil it is said to help get rid of cellulite.know more7391823830Get Best PriceCall Now Fennel Seeds / Fennel RootsAsk PriceWe are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :- Fennel Seeds, Fennel Roots Send Inquiry ! Description An annual herb, 30-60cm high, leaves pinnatifid or ternately pinnate,...We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :-Fennel Seeds, Fennel RootsSend Inquiry !DescriptionAn annual herb, 30-60cm high, leaves pinnatifid or ternately pinnate, flowers small, white in compound umbels, fruit avoid or pyriform, laterally compressed, broad, greyish green to greyish brown, mericarp broadly avoid, 5 ridged with short hairs and numerous vittae. Chemical ConstituentsAnise contains a volatile oil, furabicicoumarins, flavonoids, fatty acids, pheylpropanoids, sterols and proteins. Antheole has an observed effect, and the seeds as a whole are mildly oestrongenic. The effect substantiate the herb's use as a stimulant of drive and of breast-milk production. Cosmetic UsesTiny amounts of the essential oil, produced from the seeds, are added to toothpaste, perfumes and mouthwashes, and are used to mask bitter medicines, but in large amounts Anise is highly toxic. Grounded seeds are added to a face pack. Seed oil is used in perfumes, toothpastes, soaps and mouthwashes. Aromatic Seed Use crushed in potpourri. Anise mixed with bay leaves provides an excellent bath additive prior to ritual. Using anise in potpourri around the house wards off evil, and anise in your sleeping pillow at night will chase away the nightmares. The essential oil is used in ritual baths prior to any divination attempts. It is believed that hanging an anise seed head on your bedpost will restore lost youth. The seeds are carminative (they move gas out of the intestinal tract). Used in tea or as lozenges, they soothe a hard cough. The composition according to the invention is intended primarily as a product for topical cosmetic application to human skin, especially as an agent for conditioning, moisturizing and smoothening the skin, and preventing or reducing the appearance of lined, wrinkled or aged skin. Anise is used in cough mixtures, as it is expectorant and soothes spasms of irritant coughs and bronchial problems. It promotes estrogen production and is used to encourage breast milk, ease childbirth, and stimulate libido.know more7391829555Get Best PriceCall Now Nutmeg, Myristica Fragrans, Myristica BeddomeiAsk PriceWe are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :- Nutmeg Seeds, Nutmeg fruit Send Enquiry ! Description A large evergreen dioecious tree, reaching 30 m height and about 2 m...We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :-Nutmeg Seeds, Nutmeg fruitSend Enquiry !DescriptionA large evergreen dioecious tree, reaching 30 m height and about 2 m girth. Bark smooth, surface blackish green, with small exfoliation; outer bark 1-2 mm thick, dead; inner bark 1-1.3 cm thick, fibrous, striate, deep red, exuding reddish watery juice when cut freshly. Wood yellowish brown, moderately hard. Branchlets robust, hairless, the terminal bud velvety. Leaves alternate, simple elliptic to oblong-lanceolate, 10-25 x 5-10 cm, base rounded, apex acute, margin entire, harless, leathery, shining above, bluish grey beneath; lateral nerves 16-18 pairs, prominent. Flowers unisexual, male and female flowers seen in separate trees. Male flowers 5-6 long, white stalkless or shortly stalked, 10-20 together arising on short woody structures, hairy brown tomentsone, thin fleshy. female flowers usually solitary rarely 3-4 together more or less stalkless, slightly bigger than male flowers, white Drupes 1-3 together, broadly ovoid to ellipsoid, 4-8 x 3-6 cm, powdery-pubescent with fleshy outer rind. Seeds ovoid, 2-4 x1.5-3 cm, smooth, covered with fleshy dissected orange-red to creamy white aril.Chemical ConstituentsTriglycerides, palmtic, stearic oleic and linoleic, glyceride trisaturated, trace, di-saturated mono-unsaturated, mono-saturated di-unsaturated and tri-unsaturated.Cosmetic UsesNutmeg is used as flavoring agent especially analgesic and tonic preparations. Soaps, lotions, detergents, cosmetics, perfumes. Mace oleoresin used in colognes, perfumes, Both oils and oleoresin are used in most major food categories.know more7391857430Get Best PriceCall Now Orchid Tree, Buddhist Bauhinia, BauhiniaAsk PriceParts offered We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :- Orchid Flowers, Orchid Leaves, Orchid Tree Bark Description A moderate sized deciduous tree with vertically...Parts offeredWe are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :-Orchid Flowers, Orchid Leaves, Orchid Tree BarkDescriptionA moderate sized deciduous tree with vertically cracked grey bark, wood moderately hard, greyish brown with irregular darker patches, leaves of 2 leaflets, connate for about two-thirds up, leaflets ovate, rounded at apex, 10-15 cm long, pubescent beneath when young, coriaceous, flowers white or pink, the upper most petal darker and variegated, usually appearing before the leaves in short axillary or terminal reacemes, stamens 5, staminodes absent, fruits flat dehiscent pods, seeds 10-15. Chemical constituentsB-sitosterol, lupeol, kaempferol-3-glycoside and 5, 7-dehydroxy, and 5,7-dimethoxyflavanone-4-O-a-L-rhamnopyranosyl-B-D-glucophyranosides. The bark is used for treating diarrhea, dysentery, malaria, bleeding piles, skin diseases and snake Bltes. Orchid is also highly recommended for color cosmetics because it is light and non-greasy and does not leave an oily or greasy residue on the skin. In foundations, lip and cream-to-powder products, Orchid enhances application properties, making the product glide on the skin easily and improving spreadability. These are important benefits for pigmented products, which tend to be draggy and difficult to spread. Orchid also leaves a smooth after-feel on the skin. The orchid flower, the national flower of Thailand, has been used in Asia for centuries for its reparative and protective properties. Orchids are very well known for their moisturizing properties, fighting free radicals, increasing skin immunity and reducing the appearance of fine lines. The pink orchid in particular, is ideal for all skin types and is rich in minerals which exist naturally in the skin, such as zinc, calcium, magnesium, iron and copper. Medicinal UsesThe roots and bark are astringent, acrid, cooling, constipating, depurative, anthelmintic, vulnerary, anti-inflammatory and styptic. They are useful in vitiated conditions of pittal and kapha, diarrhoea, dysentery, skin diseases, leprosy, intestinal worms, tumours, wounds, ulcers, inflammations, scarofula, proctoptosis, haemorrhoids, haemoptysis, cought, menorrhagia and diabetes.know more11268549812Get Best PriceCall Now Lavender OilAsk PriceParts Offered We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :- Lavender Oil Send Enquiry ! Description A perennial shrub growing to 1m, with spikes of violet-blue flowers...Parts Offered We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :- Lavender OilSend Enquiry !Description A perennial shrub growing to 1m, with spikes of violet-blue flowers extending above the foliage. Chemical Constituents Volatile oil containing over 40 constituents, including linyalyl acetate, cineole, linalool, nerol, borneol, Flavonoids, Tannis, Coumarins. Cosmetic Uses Research also suggests Lavender Oil has a balancing, harmonising effect on the emotions and also on the skin making it excellent for use in cosmetics and toiletries where it balances the production of sebum from the oil glands making it beneficial for dry or oily skins for psoriasis, acne, eczema, seborrhoea and spots. It is also credited with cell-rejuvenating properties. Lavender Oil is also recognised as being an excellent treatment for burns of any kind, apply a small amount, neat, to the burn area for relief and healing. Lavender Oil should be kept out of reach of children at all times, and should never be taken internally. Lavender has all the traditional uses of a herb and many reported uses as a therapeutic agent in aromatherapy etc. Fresh lavender bunches - used in craftwork to produce wreaths, lavender wands and floral arrangements that are then dried Dried lavender bunches - for decoration, and hung in closets as linen insect repellents Stripped dried lavender flowers - traditionally used as pot-pourri, and in sachets as a moth deterrent and drawer freshener Lavender essential oil has been used to: Lavender oil can be used in cosmetic bases to provide natural perfume and aromatherapy benefits. It is used extensively to perfume products in the soap and cleaning industries The aromatic oil is used in toilet water, cologne, and perfume. Lavender also is used in bath products and stimulating, cleansing facial steams. It is said to repel mosquitoes. It can flavor vinegars and jellies. Decorative uses include floral arrangements, wreaths, and wands. Lavender is said to have some medicinal qualities. Massage - the most used essential oil in the aromatherapy industry is lavender Perfume - lavender essential oil is and has been for more than 150 years, a base fragrance for the perfume industry.Sunburn - a solution of lavender water can be sprayed onto the reddened skin.know more7391810973Get Best PriceCall Now Frankincense OilAsk Price2264464130Get Best PriceCall Now Perfumes and Fragrances IngredientsAsk Price Wholesale suppliers and exporters of Perfume Ingredients and Fragrance Ingredients. Our range includes a wide range of Herbs to be used in perfumes and fragrances....Wholesale suppliers and exporters of Perfume Ingredients and Fragrance Ingredients. Our range includes a wide range of Herbs to be used in perfumes and fragrances.know more7391799855Get Best PriceCall Now
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