Shampoo Ingredients Lemon Grass, Ginger Grass, Sere GrassAsk PriceParts offerd Wholesale suppliers and exporters of :- Lemon Grass, Lemon Grass Oil, Lemon Grass Live Seedlings Description Perennial, densely tufted, aromatic grass. Stems...Parts offerdWholesale suppliers and exporters of :-Lemon Grass, Lemon Grass Oil, Lemon Grass Live Seedlings DescriptionPerennial, densely tufted, aromatic grass. Stems underground, short, whitish or pale-violet. Leaves in dense clusters, linear amplexicaul, rough-margined, glaucous green on both sides. Inflorescence in many-branched panicles without stalks. All parts of the grass are lemon-flavored. Chemical ConstituentsThe whole plant contains an essential oil consisting of critral, limonene, isopulegol, citronellic acid, geranium acid and a-camphorene. UsesThe entire plant possesses antiseptic, antiferbrile and stomachic properties. It is used in treating coryza, influenza and pyrexia. It is also prescribed against dyspepsia and vomiting and as a carminative, using three to four drops of the essential oil, diluted in water. Used externally to treat eczema. The essential oil is used as an insecticide against mosquitoes and as a deodorant.know more1659422888Get Best PriceCall Now Lemon Grass, Ginger Grass, Sere GrassAsk PriceParts offerd Wholesale suppliers and exporters of :- Lemon Grass, Lemon Grass Oil, Lemon Grass Live Seedlings Description Perennial, densely tufted, aromatic grass. Stems...Parts offerdWholesale suppliers and exporters of :-Lemon Grass, Lemon Grass Oil, Lemon Grass Live SeedlingsDescriptionPerennial, densely tufted, aromatic grass. Stems underground, short, whitish or pale-violet. Leaves in dense clusters, linear amplexicaul, rough-margined, glaucous green on both sides. Inflorescence in many-branched panicles without stalks. All parts of the grass are lemon-flavored. Chemical ConstituentsThe whole plant contains an essential oil consisting of critral, limonene, isopulegol, citronellic acid, geranium acid and a-camphorene. UsesThe entire plant possesses antiseptic, antiferbrile and stomachic properties. It is used in treating coryza, influenza and pyrexia. It is also prescribed against dyspepsia and vomiting and as a carminative, using three to four drops of the essential oil, diluted in water. Used externally to treat eczema. The essential oil is used as an insecticide against mosquitoes and as a deodorant.know more1659561062Get Best PriceCall Now Lemon Grass, Ginger Grass, Sere GrassAsk PriceParts offerd Wholesale suppliers and exporters of :- Lemon Grass, Lemon Grass Oil, Lemon Grass Live Seedlings Description Perennial, densely tufted, aromatic grass. Stems...Parts offerdWholesale suppliers and exporters of :-Lemon Grass, Lemon Grass Oil, Lemon Grass Live Seedlings DescriptionPerennial, densely tufted, aromatic grass. Stems underground, short, whitish or pale-violet. Leaves in dense clusters, linear amplexicaul, rough-margined, glaucous green on both sides. Inflorescence in many-branched panicles without stalks. All parts of the grass are lemon-flavored. Chemical ConstituentsThe whole plant contains an essential oil consisting of critral, limonene, isopulegol, citronellic acid, geranium acid and a-camphorene. UsesThe entire plant possesses antiseptic, antiferbrile and stomachic properties. It is used in treating coryza, influenza and pyrexia. It is also prescribed against dyspepsia and vomiting and as a carminative, using three to four drops of the essential oil, diluted in water. Used externally to treat eczema. The essential oil is used as an insecticide against mosquitoes and as a deodorant.know more1659853673Get Best PriceCall Now Lemon Grass, Ginger Grass, Sere GrassAsk PriceParts offerd Wholesale suppliers and exporters of :- Lemon Grass, Lemon Grass Oil, Lemon Grass Live Seedlings Description Perennial, densely tufted, aromatic grass. Stems...Parts offerdWholesale suppliers and exporters of :-Lemon Grass, Lemon Grass Oil, Lemon Grass Live Seedlings DescriptionPerennial, densely tufted, aromatic grass. Stems underground, short, whitish or pale-violet. Leaves in dense clusters, linear amplexicaul, rough-margined, glaucous green on both sides. Inflorescence in many-branched panicles without stalks. All parts of the grass are lemon-flavored. Chemical ConstituentsThe whole plant contains an essential oil consisting of critral, limonene, isopulegol, citronellic acid, geranium acid and a-camphorene.know more1660108412Get Best PriceCall Now Lemon Grass, Ginger Grass, Sere GrassAsk PriceParts offerd Wholesale suppliers and exporters of :- Lemon Grass, Lemon Grass Oil, Lemon Grass Live Seedlings Description Perennial, densely tufted, aromatic grass. Stems...Parts offerdWholesale suppliers and exporters of :-Lemon Grass, Lemon Grass Oil, Lemon Grass Live Seedlings DescriptionPerennial, densely tufted, aromatic grass. Stems underground, short, whitish or pale-violet. Leaves in dense clusters, linear amplexicaul, rough-margined, glaucous green on both sides. Inflorescence in many-branched panicles without stalks. All parts of the grass are lemon-flavored. Chemical ConstituentsThe whole plant contains an essential oil consisting of critral, limonene, isopulegol, citronellic acid, geranium acid and a-camphorene.know more1660112991Get Best PriceCall Now Lemon Grass, Ginger Grass, Sere GrassAsk PriceParts offerd Wholesale suppliers and exporters of :- Lemon Grass, Lemon Grass Oil, Lemon Grass Live Seedlings Description Perennial, densely tufted, aromatic grass. Stems...Parts offerdWholesale suppliers and exporters of :-Lemon Grass, Lemon Grass Oil, Lemon Grass Live Seedlings DescriptionPerennial, densely tufted, aromatic grass. Stems underground, short, whitish or pale-violet leaves in dense clusters, linear amplexicaul, rough-margined, glaucous green on both sides. Inflorescence in many-branched panicles without stalks. All parts of the grass are lemon-flavored. Chemical ConstituentsThe whole plant contains an essential oil consisting of critral, limonene, isopulegol, citronellic acid, geranium acid and a-camphorene. UsesThe entire plant possesses antiseptic, antiferbrile and stomachic properties. It is used in treating coryza, influenza and pyrexia. It is also prescribed against dyspepsia and vomiting and as a carminative, using three to four drops of the essential oil, diluted in water. Used externally to treat eczema. The essential oil is used as an insecticide against mosquitoes and as a deodorant. know more1870423848Get Best PriceCall Now Shampoo Ingredients and HerbsAsk Price Wholesale suppliers and exporters of Shampoo Ingredients and Natural Shampoo Herbs....Wholesale suppliers and exporters of Shampoo Ingredients and Natural Shampoo Herbs.know more7391676091Get Best PriceCall Now Nettle Leaves, Nettle RootsAsk PriceParts Offered We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of : - Nettle Roots, Nettle Leaves, Nettle Herbs Description A perennial growing to 1.5m, with lance-shaped leaves...Parts OfferedWe are wholesale suppliers and exporters of : -Nettle Roots, Nettle Leaves, Nettle Herbs Description A perennial growing to 1.5m, with lance-shaped leaves and green flowers with yellow stamens in axillary cymes. Chemical ConstituentsFlavonoids, amines, Glucoquinone, Minerals, Plant sterols, Phenols. Other vitamin ingredients are Vitamins C and E, along with minerals, and rich in chlorophyll when eating the cooked nettle shoots. Cosmetic Uses In reality the herb is very rich in Vitamin A and C. It also provides an excellent source of calcium and iron. Nettles Leaf Powder A valuable herb with many uses, especially useful in hair care products. Can be used as is in soap, or to make a tincture or extract. Has a long history of use in traditional medicine. Its flesh is rich in minerals and plant hormones and it stimulates hair growth and softens the hair. It is used as a hair rinse (especially for light hair): wash and dry nettle roots; soak 2 handfuls of roots in 2 quarts of cold water overnight; next day bring mix to a boil and then simmer for 10 to 15 minutes; strain roots; use remaining liquid as a hair rinse. Will yield greenish yellow from the above-ground plant with an alum mordant. Make a weak nettle tea as a face wash to firm up skin and remove excess oils. A nettle vinegar made with 1 ounce of fresh nettle in 6 ounces cider vinegar is an excellent astringent. A very strong nettle tea combed through the fair will reduce grey over time and will stimulate the scalp. This herb is a popular product in shampoos and facials. It has been well tested and shown to have anti-inflammatory properties. Because it is a vasodilator it has been used medicinally to excite the skin locally. It is also used for stimulating hair growth, treating dandruff and used to treat dark circles around the eye. The stinging reaction caused by the plant hairs is said to contain many active ingredients, such as formic acid, like what ant's inject when they bite your skin and make you sting and burn, not to mention, itch. Other ingredients include: histamine, serotonin, acetylcholine, hydroxytryptamine and other irritants. So, many of these ingredients are neurotransmitters and affect nerve cells, so this is probably why it gives such an irritant effect, and why it may be better used for alopecia areata.know more1659442962Get Best PriceCall Now Nettle Leaves, Nettle RootsAsk PriceParts Offered We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of : - Nettle Roots, Nettle Leaves, Nettle Herbs Description A perennial growing to 1.5m, with lance-shaped leaves...Parts OfferedWe are wholesale suppliers and exporters of : -Nettle Roots, Nettle Leaves, Nettle HerbsDescription A perennial growing to 1.5m, with lance-shaped leaves and green flowers with yellow stamens in axillary cymes. Chemical ConstituentsFlavonoids, amines, Glucoquinone, Minerals, Plant sterols, Phenols. Other vitamin ingredients are Vitamins C and E, along with minerals, and rich in chlorophyll when eating the cooked nettle shoots. Cosmetic Uses In reality the herb is very rich in Vitamin A and C. It also provides an excellent source of calcium and iron. Nettles Leaf Powder A valuable herb with many uses, especially useful in hair care products. Can be used as is in soap, or to make a tincture or extract. Has a long history of use in traditional medicine. Its flesh is rich in minerals and plant hormones and it stimulates hair growth and softens the hair. It is used as a hair rinse (especially for light hair): wash and dry nettle roots; soak 2 handfuls of roots in 2 quarts of cold water overnight; next day bring mix to a boil and then simmer for 10 to 15 minutes; strain roots; use remaining liquid as a hair rinse. Will yield greenish yellow from the above-ground plant with an alum mordant. Make a weak nettle tea as a face wash to firm up skin and remove excess oils. A nettle vinegar made with 1 ounce of fresh nettle in 6 ounces cider vinegar is an excellent astringent. A very strong nettle tea combed through the fair will reduce grey over time and will stimulate the scalp. This herb is a popular product in shampoos and facials. It has been well tested and shown to have anti-inflammatory properties. Because it is a vasodilator it has been used medicinally to excite the skin locally. It is also used for stimulating hair growth, treating dandruff and used to treat dark circles around the eye. The stinging reaction caused by the plant hairs is said to contain many active ingredients, such as formic acid, like what ant's inject when they bite your skin and make you sting and burn, not to mention, itch. Other ingredients include: histamine, serotonin, acetylcholine, hydroxytryptamine and other irritants. So, many of these ingredients are neurotransmitters and affect nerve cells, so this is probably why it gives such an irritant effect, and why it may be better used for alopecia areata.know more1659572433Get Best PriceCall Now Nettle Leaves, Nettle RootsAsk PriceParts Offered We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of : - Nettle Roots, Nettle Leaves, Nettle Herbs Description A perennial growing to 1.5m, with lance-shaped leaves...Parts OfferedWe are wholesale suppliers and exporters of : -Nettle Roots, Nettle Leaves, Nettle HerbsDescription A perennial growing to 1.5m, with lance-shaped leaves and green flowers with yellow stamens in axillary cymes. Chemical ConstituentsFlavonoids, amines, Glucoquinone, Minerals, Plant sterols, Phenols. Other vitamin ingredients are Vitamins C and E, along with minerals, and rich in chlorophyll when eating the cooked nettle shoots. Cosmetic Uses In reality the herb is very rich in Vitamin A and C. It also provides an excellent source of calcium and iron. Nettles Leaf Powder A valuable herb with many uses, especially useful in hair care products. Can be used as is in soap, or to make a tincture or extract. Has a long history of use in traditional medicine. Its flesh is rich in minerals and plant hormones and it stimulates hair growth and softens the hair. It is used as a hair rinse (especially for light hair): wash and dry nettle roots; soak 2 handfuls of roots in 2 quarts of cold water overnight; next day bring mix to a boil and then simmer for 10 to 15 minutes; strain roots; use remaining liquid as a hair rinse. Will yield greenish yellow from the above-ground plant with an alum mordant. Make a weak nettle tea as a face wash to firm up skin and remove excess oils. A nettle vinegar made with 1 ounce of fresh nettle in 6 ounces cider vinegar is an excellent astringent. A very strong nettle tea combed through the fair will reduce grey over time and will stimulate the scalp. This herb is a popular product in shampoos and facials. It has been well tested and shown to have anti-inflammatory properties. Because it is a vasodilator it has been used medicinally to excite the skin locally. It is also used for stimulating hair growth, treating dandruff and used to treat dark circles around the eye. The stinging reaction caused by the plant hairs is said to contain many active ingredients, such as formic acid, like what ant's inject when they bite your skin and make you sting and burn, not to mention, itch. Other ingredients include: histamine, serotonin, acetylcholine, hydroxytryptamine and other irritants. So, many of these ingredients are neurotransmitters and affect nerve cells, so this is probably why it gives such an irritant effect, and why it may be better used for alopecia areata.know more1659722848Get Best PriceCall Now Nettle Leaves, Nettle RootsAsk PriceParts Offered We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of : - Nettle Roots, Nettle Leaves, Nettle Herbs Description A perennial growing to 1.5m, with lance-shaped leaves...Parts OfferedWe are wholesale suppliers and exporters of : -Nettle Roots, Nettle Leaves, Nettle Herbs Description A perennial growing to 1.5m, with lance-shaped leaves and green flowers with yellow stamens in axillary cymes. Chemical ConstituentsFlavonoids, amines, Glucoquinone, Minerals, Plant sterols, Phenols. Other vitamin ingredients are Vitamins C and E, along with minerals, and rich in chlorophyll when eating the cooked nettle shoots. Cosmetic Uses In reality the herb is very rich in Vitamin A and C. It also provides an excellent source of calcium and iron. Nettles Leaf Powder A valuable herb with many uses, especially useful in hair care products. Can be used as is in soap, or to make a tincture or extract. Has a long history of use in traditional medicine. Its flesh is rich in minerals and plant hormones and it stimulates hair growth and softens the hair. It is used as a hair rinse (especially for light hair): wash and dry nettle roots; soak 2 handfuls of roots in 2 quarts of cold water overnight; next day bring mix to a boil and then simmer for 10 to 15 minutes; strain roots; use remaining liquid as a hair rinse. Will yield greenish yellow from the above-ground plant with an alum mordant. Make a weak nettle tea as a face wash to firm up skin and remove excess oils. A nettle vinegar made with 1 ounce of fresh nettle in 6 ounces cider vinegar is an excellent astringent. A very strong nettle tea combed through the fair will reduce grey over time and will stimulate the scalp. This herb is a popular product in shampoos and facials. It has been well tested and shown to have anti-inflammatory properties. Because it is a vasodilator it has been used medicinally to excite the skin locally. It is also used for stimulating hair growth, treating dandruff and used to treat dark circles around the eye. The stinging reaction caused by the plant hairs is said to contain many active ingredients, such as formic acid, like what ant's inject when they bite your skin and make you sting and burn, not to mention, itch. Other ingredients include: histamine, serotonin, acetylcholine, hydroxytryptamine and other irritants. So, many of these ingredients are neurotransmitters and affect nerve cells, so this is probably why it gives such an irritant effect, and why it may be better used for alopecia areata.know more1659859548Get Best PriceCall Now Nettle Leaves, Nettle RootsAsk PriceParts Offered We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of : - Nettle Roots, Nettle Leaves, Nettle Herbs Description A perennial growing to 1.5m, with lance-shaped leaves...Parts OfferedWe are wholesale suppliers and exporters of : -Nettle Roots, Nettle Leaves, Nettle Herbs Description A perennial growing to 1.5m, with lance-shaped leaves and green flowers with yellow stamens in axillary cymes. Chemical ConstituentsFlavonoids, amines, Glucoquinone, Minerals, Plant sterols, Phenols. Other vitamin ingredients are Vitamins C and E, along with minerals, and rich in chlorophyll when eating the cooked nettle shoots. Cosmetic Uses In reality the herb is very rich in Vitamin A and C. It also provides an excellent source of calcium and iron. Nettles Leaf Powder A valuable herb with many uses, especially useful in hair care products. Can be used as is in soap, or to make a tincture or extract. Has a long history of use in traditional medicine. Its flesh is rich in minerals and plant hormones and it stimulates hair growth and softens the hair. It is used as a hair rinse (especially for light hair): wash and dry nettle roots; soak 2 handfuls of roots in 2 quarts of cold water overnight; next day bring mix to a boil and then simmer for 10 to 15 minutes; strain roots; use remaining liquid as a hair rinse. Will yield greenish yellow from the above-ground plant with an alum mordant. Make a weak nettle tea as a face wash to firm up skin and remove excess oils. A nettle vinegar made with 1 ounce of fresh nettle in 6 ounces cider vinegar is an excellent astringent. A very strong nettle tea combed through the fair will reduce grey over time and will stimulate the scalp. This herb is a popular product in shampoos and facials. It has been well tested and shown to have anti-inflammatory properties. Because it is a vasodilator it has been used medicinally to excite the skin locally. It is also used for stimulating hair growth, treating dandruff and used to treat dark circles around the eye. The stinging reaction caused by the plant hairs is said to contain many active ingredients, such as formic acid, like what ant's inject when they bite your skin and make you sting and burn, not to mention, itch. Other ingredients include: histamine, serotonin, acetylcholine, hydroxytryptamine and other irritants. So, many of these ingredients are neurotransmitters and affect nerve cells, so this is probably why it gives such an irritant effect, and why it may be better used for alopecia areata.know more1660147248Get Best PriceCall Now Nettle Leaves, Nettle RootsAsk PriceParts Offered We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of : - Nettle Roots, Nettle Leaves, Nettle Herbs Description A perennial growing to 1.5m, with lance-shaped leaves and...Parts OfferedWe are wholesale suppliers and exporters of : -Nettle Roots, Nettle Leaves, Nettle Herbs Description A perennial growing to 1.5m, with lance-shaped leaves and green flowers with yellow stamens in axillary cymes. Chemical ConstituentsFlavonoids, amines, Glucoquinone, Minerals, Plant sterols, Phenols. Other vitamin ingredients are Vitamins C and E, along with minerals, and rich in chlorophyll when eating the cooked nettle shoots. Cosmetic Uses In reality the herb is very rich in Vitamin A and C. It also provides an excellent source of calcium and iron. Nettles Leaf Powder A valuable herb with many uses, especially useful in hair care products. Can be used as is in soap, or to make a tincture or extract. Has a long history of use in traditional medicine. Its flesh is rich in minerals and plant hormones and it stimulates hair growth and softens the hair. It is used as a hair rinse (especially for light hair): wash and dry nettle roots; soak 2 handfuls of roots in 2 quarts of cold water overnight; next day bring mix to a boil and then simmer for 10 to 15 minutes; strain roots; use remaining liquid as a hair rinse. Will yield greenish yellow from the above-ground plant with an alum mordant. Make a weak nettle tea as a face wash to firm up skin and remove excess oils. A nettle vinegar made with 1 ounce of fresh nettle in 6 ounces cider vinegar is an excellent astringent. A very strong nettle tea combed through the fair will reduce grey over time and will stimulate the scalp. This herb is a popular product in shampoos and facials. It has been well tested and shown to have anti-inflammatory properties. Because it is a vasodilator it has been used medicinally to excite the skin locally. It is also used for stimulating hair growth, treating dandruff and used to treat dark circles around the eye. The stinging reaction caused by the plant hairs is said to contain many active ingredients, such as formic acid, like what ant's inject when they bite your skin and make you sting and burn, not to mention, itch. Other ingredients include: histamine, serotonin, acetylcholine, hydroxytryptamine and other irritants. So, many of these ingredients are neurotransmitters and affect nerve cells, so this is probably why it gives such an irritant effect, and why it may be better used for alopecia areata. Medicinal UsesDiuretic, Tonic, Astringent, Prevents hemorrhaging, anti-allergenic, Increases breast- milk, production, reduces prostate enlargement. Blood purifier, and diuretic. Primary use has been for allergies (usually taken in capsule form). Used for urinary problems and rheumatic problems. Used for anemia, arthritis, food or pollen allergies, head and chest colds, relief of asthma and bronchial cough, hay fever, and prostratitis. The tea with honeyand lemon is used as a stimulant.Increases flow of milk in nursing mothers. Makes an astringent gargle for sore throats and mouthwash for bleeding gums. Animal UsesDried nettles are highly recommended as a supplement for some animals. Drying causes the needles to become completely ineffective and then the plant can be eaten with no unpleasant sensations. Rabbits love dried nettles in the winter time and I always gathered lots for them. It acts as a tonic for them and they would leap very excitedly around when they smelled me handling them. Newly hatched poultry grow more quickly if dried nettles are powdered into their food for the first 2-3 weeks of their lives. know more1870478630Get Best PriceCall Now Citrus Fruits, Orange, Tangarine, Maltese OrangeAsk PriceParts offered : We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :- Citrus Fruits, Orange Peel, Orange Flowers, Citrus Fruit Peel Description : Medium- Sized plant, 5-8m. naked...Parts offered : We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :-Citrus Fruits, Orange Peel, Orange Flowers, Citrus Fruit PeelDescription :Medium- Sized plant, 5-8m. naked or with short spines. Leaves alternate with rounded or acute coriaceous apex, entire, glabrous; petiole obscurely winged. Flowers white in axillary raceme. Bery globose or subglobose, deep-orange when fuly ripe; pulp juicy, sweet.Chemical Constituents : The levels and the skins of the fuit yeild an essential oil consisting of D-limonene, D-Limonene, linalool, citral, nonylic and decylic aldehyde, methyl antharnilate. The juice of the unit contains sugars, citric acid, vitamin C and carotene.Cosmetic uses: Orange fruit and peal are used as a skin-conditioning ingredient, applied in many various cosmetic items for its sunscreen enhancing, anti-oxidant, anti-microbial, and anti- inflammatory, properties as well as being biodegradable. The wax made of orange peel is acceptable for cosmetic use in the United States and Europe. Research on the total chemical composition and application potential of this wax continues.know more1659860230Get Best PriceCall Now Patchouli Oil, Patchouli Seeds, Pogostemon Patchouli PelletAsk PricePart used We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :- Patchouli Oil, Patchouli Seeds Description A fragrant perennial herb, 30-100cm high. Stem erect and thick, the...Part used We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :-Patchouli Oil, Patchouli SeedsDescriptionA fragrant perennial herb, 30-100cm high. Stem erect and thick, the upper parts branched and covered densely with dull -yellow tomenia. The lower parts, terete, ligneous. Leaves opposite, petiole 2-5cm long, also with tomenta. Blade broadly ovate or oavte, 5-10cm long by 2.5-7cm wide tip sub-acute, base cuneate oar lightly coradate. Margin obtusely dentate or incised, both surfaces covered with dense hairs and oil glands, Summer. Flower small in terminal or axillary spikes,. Calyx tubular, 6mm long5-lobbed. Corolla bilabiate, 8mm long, light reddish-purple. Stamens 4, extending from the corollatube, Nutlets smooth. HabitatMostly cultivated in warm and moist regions in China, India, Malaysia and Philippines. Chemical ConstituentsPatchoulol. Cosmetic UsesThe uses to which patchouli oil is put to include cosmetics, perfumes of all kinds, toiletries (with soaps being a major consumer of this oil), breath refreshners especially in the East (40 metric tons of patchouli are used by India's pan and chewing industry), incense, etc. The oil is used in the East generally to scent linen and cloths, and it is believed to help prevent the spread of disease. In China, Japan and Malaysia the herb is used to treat colds, headaches, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal pain and halitosis. Its use sometimes is said to cause loss of appetite and sleep and nervous attacks. The Chinese, Japanese and Arabs believe it to possess prophylactic properties. Extensively used in cosmetic preparations, and as a fixative in soaps, and perfumes. Extensively used in the food industry, in alcoholic and soft drinks. When used in Massage and Bath Oil Blends, Patchouli reduces anxiety and depression and produces a warming and sensual feeling. Patchouli is an ingredient.know more1659460462Get Best PriceCall Now Vetiver, Khus, khas khasAsk PriceParts Offered : We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :- Vetivert, Vetiver Oil, Vetiver Roots Description : A densely tufted perennial grass, with aromatic roots and...Parts Offered : We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :-Vetivert, Vetiver Oil, Vetiver RootsDescription : A densely tufted perennial grass, with aromatic roots and rhizomes; leaves narrow, linear, erect, sheaths compressed, ligules reduced to a scrious rim, midrib slender, lateral nerves close, spikelets grey, green or purplish in apanicle of numberous selnder racemes, sesile spikelets linear-lanceolate, glabrous, pedicelled spikelets 2-flowered; fruits oblong, grains, slightly oblique at the apex. Chemical Constituents : Essential oil containing B-vetivone. Isobisabolene, khusol and azulene from oil. Cosmetic Uses: Vetiver is used extensively in Oriental perfumes and other perfumes as an excellent fixative and base note. It has a strong odor intensity so very little is needed in the formulation of a perfume. Vetiver complements the following essential oils: linaloe berry, lavender, patchouli, sandalwood, clary-sage, rose, jasmine and ylang-ylang.Vetiver essential oil is used in Holistic Aromatherapy. It is an extremely relaxing oil which helps the body and mind to release excess heat. The oil is considered non-toxic, non-irritant and non-sensitizing. The qualities of the oil are it is nourishing, uplifting, comforting, refreshing, restoring and grounding. In holistic aromatherapy vetiver essential oil is used for the following: headaches, heatstroke, fever, premenstrual tension, muscle aches, sprains, stiffness, rheumatism, insomnia, depression, stress, mental and physical exhaustion, muscle pain, extreme anxiety, flashbacks and hysteria. Vetiver is also used in skin care, cosmetics, massage and baths. It is beneficial for acne, cuts, eczema, dry skin, wounds, aging skin and irritated skin. The roots or rootlets have been used in Indian households for centuries. The fibers of the grass are woven into aromatic mats that are used to sleep on. The vetiver roots are used to repel insects and are layered among the clothes. The root is used to make blinds and window screens necessary to shield the intense hot sun. The blinds are sprinkled with water throughout the day creating moist cool sweet breezes.know more1659860933Get Best PriceCall Now Lavender OilAsk PriceParts Offered We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :- Lavender Oil Description A perennial shrub growing to 1m, with spikes of violet-blue flowers extending above...Parts Offered We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :- Lavender OilDescription A perennial shrub growing to 1m, with spikes of violet-blue flowers extending above the foliage. Chemical ConstituentsVolatile oil containing over 40 constituents, including linyalyl acetate, cineole, linalool, nerol, borneol, Flavonoids, Tannis, Coumarins. Cosmetic UsesResearch also suggests Lavender Oil has a balancing, harmonising effect on the emotions and also on the skin making it excellent for use in cosmetics and toiletries where it balances the production of sebum from the oil glands making it beneficial for dry or oily skins for psoriasis, acne, eczema, seborrhoea and spots. It is also credited with cell-rejuvenating properties. Lavender Oil is also recognised as being an excellent treatment for burns of any kind, apply a small amount, neat, to the burn area for relief and healing. Lavender Oil should be kept out of reach of children at all times, and should never be taken internally. Lavender has all the traditional uses of a herb and many reported uses as a therapeutic agent in aromatherapy etc. Fresh lavender bunches - used in craftwork to produce wreaths, lavender wands and floral arrangements that are then dried Dried lavender bunches - for decoration, and hung in closets as linen insect repellents Stripped dried lavender flowers - traditionally used as pot-pourri, and in sachets as a moth deterrent and drawer freshener Lavender essential oil has been used to: Lavender oil can be used in cosmetic bases to provide natural perfume and aromatherapy benefits. It is used extensively to perfume products in the soap and cleaning industries The aromatic oil is used in toilet water, cologne, and perfume. Lavender also is used in bath products and stimulating, cleansing facial steams. It is said to repel mosquitoes. It can flavor vinegars and jellies. Decorative uses include floral arrangements, wreaths, and wands. Lavender is said to have some medicinal qualities.know more1659416512Get Best PriceCall Now Lavender OilAsk PriceParts Offered We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :- Lavender Oil Description A perennial shrub growing to 1m, with spikes of violet-blue flowers extending above...Parts Offered We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :- Lavender OilDescription A perennial shrub growing to 1m, with spikes of violet-blue flowers extending above the foliage. Chemical ConstituentsVolatile oil containing over 40 constituents, including linyalyl acetate, cineole, linalool, nerol, borneol, Flavonoids, Tannis, Coumarins. Cosmetic UsesResearch also suggests Lavender Oil has a balancing, harmonising effect on the emotions and also on the skin making it excellent for use in cosmetics and toiletries where it balances the production of sebum from the oil glands making it beneficial for dry or oily skins for psoriasis, acne, eczema, seborrhoea and spots. It is also credited with cell-rejuvenating properties. Lavender Oil is also recognised as being an excellent treatment for burns of any kind, apply a small amount, neat, to the burn area for relief and healing. Lavender Oil should be kept out of reach of children at all times, and should never be taken internally. Lavender has all the traditional uses of a herb and many reported uses as a therapeutic agent in aromatherapy etc. Fresh lavender bunches - used in craftwork to produce wreaths, lavender wands and floral arrangements that are then dried Dried lavender bunches - for decoration, and hung in closets as linen insect repellents Stripped dried lavender flowers - traditionally used as pot-pourri, and in sachets as a moth deterrent and drawer freshener Lavender essential oil has been used to: Lavender oil can be used in cosmetic bases to provide natural perfume and aromatherapy benefits. It is used extensively to perfume products in the soap and cleaning industries The aromatic oil is used in toilet water, cologne, and perfume. Lavender also is used in bath products and stimulating, cleansing facial steams. It is said to repel mosquitoes. It can flavor vinegars and jellies. Decorative uses include floral arrangements, wreaths, and wands. Lavender is said to have some medicinal qualities.know more1659560691Get Best PriceCall Now Lavender OilAsk PriceParts Offered We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :- Lavender Oil Description A perennial shrub growing to 1m, with spikes of violet-blue flowers extending above...Parts Offered We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :- Lavender OilDescription A perennial shrub growing to 1m, with spikes of violet-blue flowers extending above the foliage. Chemical ConstituentsVolatile oil containing over 40 constituents, including linyalyl acetate, cineole, linalool, nerol, borneol, Flavonoids, Tannis, Coumarins. Cosmetic UsesResearch also suggests Lavender Oil has a balancing, harmonising effect on the emotions and also on the skin making it excellent for use in cosmetics and toiletries where it balances the production of sebum from the oil glands making it beneficial for dry or oily skins for psoriasis, acne, eczema, seborrhoea and spots. It is also credited with cell-rejuvenating properties. Lavender Oil is also recognised as being an excellent treatment for burns of any kind, apply a small amount, neat, to the burn area for relief and healing. Lavender Oil should be kept out of reach of children at all times, and should never be taken internally. Lavender has all the traditional uses of a herb and many reported uses as a therapeutic agent in aromatherapy etc. Fresh lavender bunches - used in craftwork to produce wreaths, lavender wands and floral arrangements that are then dried Dried lavender bunches - for decoration, and hung in closets as linen insect repellents Stripped dried lavender flowers - traditionally used as pot-pourri, and in sachets as a moth deterrent and drawer freshener Lavender essential oil has been used to: Lavender oil can be used in cosmetic bases to provide natural perfume and aromatherapy benefits. It is used extensively to perfume products in the soap and cleaning industries The aromatic oil is used in toilet water, cologne, and perfume. Lavender also is used in bath products and stimulating, cleansing facial steams. It is said to repel mosquitoes. It can flavor vinegars and jellies. Decorative uses include floral arrangements, wreaths, and wands. Lavender is said to have some medicinal qualities.know more1659735933Get Best PriceCall Now Lavender OilAsk PriceParts Offered We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :- Lavender Oil Description A perennial shrub growing to 1m, with spikes of violet-blue flowers extending above...Parts Offered We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :- Lavender OilDescription A perennial shrub growing to 1m, with spikes of violet-blue flowers extending above the foliage. Chemical ConstituentsVolatile oil containing over 40 constituents, including linyalyl acetate, cineole, linalool, nerol, borneol, Flavonoids, Tannis, Coumarins. Cosmetic UsesResearch also suggests Lavender Oil has a balancing, harmonising effect on the emotions and also on the skin making it excellent for use in cosmetics and toiletries where it balances the production of sebum from the oil glands making it beneficial for dry or oily skins for psoriasis, acne, eczema, seborrhoea and spots. It is also credited with cell-rejuvenating properties. Lavender Oil is also recognised as being an excellent treatment for burns of any kind, apply a small amount, neat, to the burn area for relief and healing. Lavender Oil should be kept out of reach of children at all times, and should never be taken internally. Lavender has all the traditional uses of a herb and many reported uses as a therapeutic agent in aromatherapy etc. Fresh lavender bunches - used in craftwork to produce wreaths, lavender wands and floral arrangements that are then dried Dried lavender bunches - for decoration, and hung in closets as linen insect repellents Stripped dried lavender flowers - traditionally used as pot-pourri, and in sachets as a moth deterrent and drawer freshener Lavender essential oil has been used to: Lavender oil can be used in cosmetic bases to provide natural perfume and aromatherapy benefits. It is used extensively to perfume products in the soap and cleaning industries The aromatic oil is used in toilet water, cologne, and perfume. Lavender also is used in bath products and stimulating, cleansing facial steams. It is said to repel mosquitoes. It can flavor vinegars and jellies. Decorative uses include floral arrangements, wreaths, and wands. Lavender is said to have some medicinal qualities.know more1659847162Get Best PriceCall Now Lavender OilAsk PriceParts Offered We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :- Lavender Oil Description A perennial shrub growing to 1m, with spikes of violet-blue flowers extending above...Parts Offered We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :- Lavender OilDescription A perennial shrub growing to 1m, with spikes of violet-blue flowers extending above the foliage. Chemical ConstituentsVolatile oil containing over 40 constituents, including linyalyl acetate, cineole, linalool, nerol, borneol, Flavonoids, Tannis, Coumarins. Cosmetic UsesResearch also suggests Lavender Oil has a balancing, harmonising effect on the emotions and also on the skin making it excellent for use in cosmetics and toiletries where it balances the production of sebum from the oil glands making it beneficial for dry or oily skins for psoriasis, acne, eczema, seborrhoea and spots. It is also credited with cell-rejuvenating properties. Lavender Oil is also recognised as being an excellent treatment for burns of any kind, apply a small amount, neat, to the burn area for relief and healing. Lavender Oil should be kept out of reach of children at all times, and should never be taken internally. Lavender has all the traditional uses of a herb and many reported uses as a therapeutic agent in aromatherapy etc. Fresh lavender bunches - used in craftwork to produce wreaths, lavender wands and floral arrangements that are then dried Dried lavender bunches - for decoration, and hung in closets as linen insect repellents Stripped dried lavender flowers - traditionally used as pot-pourri, and in sachets as a moth deterrent and drawer freshener Lavender essential oil has been used to: Lavender oil can be used in cosmetic bases to provide natural perfume and aromatherapy benefits. It is used extensively to perfume products in the soap and cleaning industries The aromatic oil is used in toilet water, cologne, and perfume. Lavender also is used in bath products and stimulating, cleansing facial steams. It is said to repel mosquitoes. It can flavor vinegars and jellies. Decorative uses include floral arrangements, wreaths, and wands. Lavender is said to have some medicinal qualities.know more1660090097Get Best PriceCall Now Lavender OilAsk PriceParts Offered We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :- Lavender Oil Description A perennial shrub growing to 1m, with spikes of violet-blue flowers extending above...Parts Offered We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :- Lavender OilDescription A perennial shrub growing to 1m, with spikes of violet-blue flowers extending above the foliage. Chemical ConstituentsVolatile oil containing over 40 constituents, including linyalyl acetate, cineole, linalool, nerol, borneol, Flavonoids, Tannis, Coumarins. Cosmetic UsesResearch also suggests Lavender Oil has a balancing, harmonising effect on the emotions and also on the skin making it excellent for use in cosmetics and toiletries where it balances the production of sebum from the oil glands making it beneficial for dry or oily skins for psoriasis, acne, eczema, seborrhoea and spots. It is also credited with cell-rejuvenating properties. Lavender Oil is also recognised as being an excellent treatment for burns of any kind, apply a small amount, neat, to the burn area for relief and healing. Lavender Oil should be kept out of reach of children at all times, and should never be taken internally. Lavender has all the traditional uses of a herb and many reported uses as a therapeutic agent in aromatherapy etc. Fresh lavender bunches - used in craftwork to produce wreaths, lavender wands and floral arrangements that are then dried Dried lavender bunches - for decoration, and hung in closets as linen insect repellents Stripped dried lavender flowers - traditionally used as pot-pourri, and in sachets as a moth deterrent and drawer freshener Lavender essential oil has been used to: Lavender oil can be used in cosmetic bases to provide natural perfume and aromatherapy benefits. It is used extensively to perfume products in the soap and cleaning industries The aromatic oil is used in toilet water, cologne, and perfume. Lavender also is used in bath products and stimulating, cleansing facial steams. It is said to repel mosquitoes. It can flavor vinegars and jellies. Decorative uses include floral arrangements, wreaths, and wands. Lavender is said to have some medicinal qualities.know more1660140333Get Best PriceCall Now Lavender OilAsk PriceParts Offered We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :- Lavender Oil Description A perennial shrub growing to 1m, with spikes of violet-blue flowers extending above...Parts Offered We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :- Lavender OilDescription A perennial shrub growing to 1m, with spikes of violet-blue flowers extending above the foliage. Chemical Constituents Volatile oil containing over 40 constituents, including linyalyl acetate, cineole, linalool, nerol, borneol, Flavonoids, Tannis, Coumarins. Cosmetic Uses Research also suggests Lavender Oil has a balancing, harmonising effect on the emotions and also on the skin making it excellent for use in cosmetics and toiletries where it balances the production of sebum from the oil glands making it beneficial for dry or oily skins for psoriasis, acne, eczema, seborrhoea and spots. It is also credited with cell-rejuvenating properties. Lavender Oil is also recognised as being an excellent treatment for burns of any kind, apply a small amount, neat, to the burn area for relief and healing. Lavender Oil should be kept out of reach of children at all times, and should never be taken internally. Lavender has all the traditional uses of a herb and many reported uses as a therapeutic agent in aromatherapy etc. Fresh lavender bunches - used in craftwork to produce wreaths, lavender wands and floral arrangements that are then dried Dried lavender bunches - for decoration, and hung in closets as linen insect repellents Stripped dried lavender flowers - traditionally used as pot-pourri, and in sachets as a moth deterrent and drawer freshener Lavender essential oil has been used to: Lavender oil can be used in cosmetic bases to provide natural perfume and aromatherapy benefits. It is used extensively to perfume products in the soap and cleaning industries The aromatic oil is used in toilet water, cologne, and perfume. Lavender also is used in bath products and stimulating, cleansing facial steams. It is said to repel mosquitoes. It can flavor vinegars and jellies. Decorative uses include floral arrangements, wreaths, and wands. Lavender is said to have some medicinal qualities. Massage - the most used essential oil in the aromatherapy industry is lavender Perfume - lavender essential oil is and has been for more than 150 years, a base fragrance for the perfume industry.Sunburn - a solution of lavender water can be sprayed onto the reddened skin.After Shave - Lavender Dew is most refreshing. The best known active components in lavender are , cineole and coumarin. These ingredients have a strong cleansing and germicidal effect and are believed to be particularly valuable for the treatment of inflammatory conditions and pain. Lavender also brings swift relief from digestive problems and various skin irritations. Medicinal Uses Research indicates anti-inflammatory, analgesic properties useful in cases of arthritis, rheumatism, muscular aches, pains and sports injuries. Calming, relaxing properties soothe stress, used in the evening bath, added as the water is running, or on the pillow will help to induce sleep. The wound healing properties make it an excellent application in all cases of external injuries, promoting healing, while the antiseptic properties disinfect the area, as a room spray it kills airborne germs. It can also be soothing if applied to insect bites or stings.know more1870421988Get Best PriceCall Now
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