Lavender Oil1 Lavender oil (Lavendula Officinalis)Ask PriceOrigin of Lavender essential oil: Lavender comes form the Roman word 'Lavare' meaning to wash. It was one of the most favored aromatics used by the Romans in their bathing...Origin of Lavender essential oil:Lavender comes form the Roman word 'Lavare' meaning to wash. It was one of the most favored aromatics used by the Romans in their bathing rituals. Both the Greeks and the Romans burned Lavender twigs as a room purifier to ward off the plague. It was brought to Europe by the Romans.Description of Lavender :A shrubby plant with woody branches and long narrow leaves it has purple blue flowers on long spikes. After cutting the plants are dried and steam distilled. Lavender oil has fresh, sweet, floral, herbaceous and slightly fruity. Appearance Transparent liquid Color: Pale yellowChemical constituents: Lavender oil has various chemical compounds that include flavonoids, nerol, coumarins, linalool, linyalyl acetate, cineole, Tannis, borneol.Extraction: Steam distillation of the flowering parts.Perfumery Note: Top/Middle Aromatic Description: Fresh, sweet, floral, herbaceous, slightly fruity.Therapeutic Effects: Lavender essential oil is used as an antiseptic and can be used for many skin conditions and infections of the lungs, digestions and urinary tract. It works brilliantly for migraine. It is also considered to be helpful for nervous system disorders such as depression, headache, hypertension, insomnia, migraine, nervous tension, stress related conditions.Aromatherapy uses:A lavender oil soothes nervous exhaustion. It is mostly used for inhalation, bath , room spray and massage. It is used as a cold compress or place a few drops in boiling water and inhale for headaches and migraine. It improves sleep quality, promotes relaxation and lifts mood in people suffering from sleep disorders. Lavender oil helps speed up the body's natural healing and reduce pain and scarring. Oil is included in lotions and it is used in massage oils to help relax muscles. Few drops of lavender oil is added to water (mineral) and spray onto sunburned skin. Enjoy a relaxing bath and relieve stress by adding lavender oil to the bath.know more7391094055Get Best PriceCall Now
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