Holy Basil Extracts Holy Basil, Sacred BasilAsk PriceDescription An erect much branched softly pubscent undershrub, 30-60cm high with red or purple subquadrangular branches, leaves simple, opposite, elliptic, oblong, obtuse or...DescriptionAn erect much branched softly pubscent undershrub, 30-60cm high with red or purple subquadrangular branches, leaves simple, opposite, elliptic, oblong, obtuse or acute, entire, serrate, or dentate, pubscent on both sides, minutely gland dotted, petioles slender, hairy, flowers, purplish in elongate racemes in close whorls, stamens exserted, upper pair with a small bearded appendage at the base, fruits nutlets, smooth, not mucilaginous when wetted. Chemical ConstituentsEugenol, Eugenol methol ether and carvacrol, methyl chavicol cineole and linalool, Ursolic acid. Cosmetic UsesBasil is widely used in cosmetics, perfumes, shampoos and soaps. Formulated to restore luster, body and flexibility to limp and non-manageable hair. To strengthen and give volume without added weight. Contains Sea Alginate for a fine, gentle hair coating. Use in combination with Lemon Perfecting Rinse and ideally in conjunction with Holy Basil Conditioning Scalp Toner. Herbalists recommend basil tea for stomach aches, indigestion and constipation. They steep a teaspoon of dried basil leaves in a cup of boiling water to make a tea that soothes, relaxes and aids digestion. Use dried basil leaves in potpourris and sachets. Tulsi has been shown to be helpful in helping irritated skin feel better. Aromatic and used for drying, for fragrance in pot-pourris and sachets; cosmetic use in herbal bath mixtures and for bringing luster to the hair. Ursolic acid is one of the constituents of holy basil, which has anti ageing properties. Ursolic acid treatment improves the health of skin and hair. Ursolic acid and its derivatives form oil-resistant barriers on the skin and hair as they do in the waxy coating of fruits6. Ursolic acid has been used to treat photoaged skin because it prevents and improves the appearance of wrinkles and age spots by restoring the skin's collagen bundle structures and its elasticity. Holy Basil Conditioning in case of dandruff and itching we recommend using Scalp Toner each time after a cleansing treatment. It was said to strengthen faith, compassion, and mental clarity. More recent clinical experience shows that Basil increases blood flow to the brain, relieving mental fatigue, enhancing clear thinking, and improving memory. Basil also connects the thought process with speech, enhancing self-expression. Basil has been used as a sacred herb in India and Europe for many centuries. Basil is used in hair rinses to bring luster to hair.know more7392130848Get Best PriceCall Now
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