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Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe, Aloe Vera, Indian Aloe

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Aloe, Aloe Vera, Indian Aloe
Aloe vera linne or Aloe Barbadensis Miller is a succulent from the Aloe family (400 different species !) with its origin in the African continent. Its thick leaves contain...
Aloe vera linne or Aloe Barbadensis Miller is a succulent from the Aloe family (400 different species !) with its origin in the African continent. Its thick leaves contain the water supply for the plant to survive long periods of drought. These Aloe Vera Leaves have a high capacity of retaining the water also in very warm and dry climates and therefore this plant can survive very harsh circumstances where most other vegetation disappears.

When a leaf is cut, a orange-yellow sap drips from the open end.

As a drink this bitter sap has a very strong laxative effect. At the beginning of this century it was the most used raw material for laxatives in the world and although many synthetic laxatives have largely replaced it on the world market there is still a demand for this product as a raw material for laxatives. This raw material is nowadays used as basis for many other pharmaceutical products also. One of the most popular anti-rheumatic medicines has this product as its basis. When the green skin of a leaf is removed a clear mucilaginous substance appears that contains fibers, water and the ingredients to retain the water in the leaf. These ingredients give this "gel" its special qualities as they are known now for many centuries.

Among the uses for this aloe vera gel are acceleration of woundhealing, use on skinburns, moisturizing dry skin and it is taken internally for peptic ulcers or gastritis. During the ages many other claims have been made concerning the properties of this gel.

The first written reports on Aloe vera are more then 2000 years old. Alexander the Great had special interest in parts of Africa where many Aloes grew as he used them for the wounds of his soldiers, Cleopatra used it as a skin care product and also the bible mentions the use of Aloe. Ever since Aloe was a first aid plant in many houses in the world.

In the modern times scientific proof of the properties of the Aloe Vera plant was given. In 1935 an article in an American medical journal explained the very successful use of Aloe vera as a treatment of skin lesions caused by X-rays. Since then, many scientific articles were written on the use of Aloe vera as a treatment for all kinds of skin lesions and skin burns. It is used as a healthdrink for stomach problems and it proved to be a very effective skin moisturizer as an ingredient in skin care products.
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Aloe, Aloe Vera, Indian Aloe

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Aloe, Aloe Vera, Indian Aloe
Parts Offered We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :- Aloe Vera Leaf, Aloe Vera Gel, Aloe Vera Juice, Aloe Vera Spray Dried Powder : 100X & 200X Description A...
Parts Offered
We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :-
Aloe Vera Leaf, Aloe Vera Gel, Aloe Vera Juice, Aloe Vera Spray Dried Powder : 100X & 200X

A coarse perennial with short stem and shallow root system: leaves fleshy in rosettes, sessile, often crowded with homy pickles on the margins, convex below, 45-60cm long tapering to a blunt point, surface pale green with irregular white blotches, flowers yellow or orange in racemes; fruits loculicidal capsule.

Chemical Constituents
The leaves contain barbaloin, chrysophanol glocoside and the aglycone, aloe-emodin. The mucilage of the leaves contains glucose, galactose, mannose and galacturonic acid in addition to an unidentified aldopentose and a protein with 18 amino acids. The plant contains aloesone and aloesin.Chemical analysis has revealed that this clear gel contains amino acids, minerals, vitamins, enzymes, proteins, polysaccharides and biological stimulators.

Medicinal Uses
The Plant is bitter, sweet, cooling, anthelmintic, aperient, carminative, deobstruent, depurative, diuretic, stomachic, emmenagogue, ophthalmic and alexeteric. The juice is used in dyspepsia, amenorrhoea, burns, colic, hyperadenosis, hepatopathy, splenopathy, skin diseases, constipation, spanomenorrhea, vitiated conditions of vata and pitta, abdominal tumours, dropsy, carbuncles, sciatica, lumbago and flatulence.

The also is used for helminthiasis in children and is a purgative, anthelmintic and emmenagogue. It is used for local application in painful inflammations, chronic ulcers and catarrhal and purulent ophthalmia.
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Aloe, Aloe Vera, Indian Aloe

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Aloe, Aloe Vera, Indian Aloe
Parts Offered We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :- Aloe Vera Leaf, Aloe Vera Gel, Aloe Vera Juice, Aloe Vera Spray Dried Powder : 100X & 200X. Description A...
Parts Offered
We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :-
Aloe Vera Leaf, Aloe Vera Gel, Aloe Vera Juice, Aloe Vera Spray Dried Powder : 100X & 200X.

A coarse perennial with short stem and shallow root system: leaves fleshy in rosettes, sessile, often crowded with homy pickles on the margins, convex below, 45-60cm long tapering to a blunt point, surface pale green with irregular white blotches, flowers yellow or orange in racemes; fruits loculicidal capsule.

Chemical Constituents
The leaves contain barbaloin, chrysophanol glocoside and the aglycone, aloe-emodin. The mucilage of the leaves contains glucose, galactose, mannose and galacturonic acid in addition to an unidentified aldopentose and a protein with 18 amino acids. The plant contains aloesone and aloesin.Chemical analysis has revealed that this clear gel contains amino acids, minerals, vitamins, enzymes, proteins, polysaccharides and biological stimulators.
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Aloe, Aloe Vera, Indian Aloe

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Aloe, Aloe Vera, Indian Aloe
Parts Offered We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :- Aloe Vera Leaf, Aloe Vera Gel, Aloe Vera Juice, Aloe Vera Spray Dried Powder : 100X & 200X. Description A...
Parts Offered
We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :-
Aloe Vera Leaf, Aloe Vera Gel, Aloe Vera Juice, Aloe Vera Spray Dried Powder : 100X & 200X.

A coarse perennial with short stem and shallow root system: leaves fleshy in rosettes, sessile, often crowded with homy pickles on the margins, convex below, 45-60cm long tapering to a blunt point, surface pale green with irregular white blotches, flowers yellow or orange in racemes; fruits loculicidal capsule.

Chemical Constituents
The leaves contain barbaloin, chrysophanol glocoside and the aglycone, aloe-emodin. The mucilage of the leaves contains glucose, galactose, mannose and galacturonic acid in addition to an unidentified aldopentose and a protein with 18 amino acids. The plant contains aloesone and aloesin.Chemical analysis has revealed that this clear gel contains amino acids, minerals, vitamins, enzymes, proteins, polysaccharides and biological stimulators.
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Aloe, Aloe Vera, Indian Aloe

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Aloe, Aloe Vera, Indian Aloe
Parts Offered We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :- Aloe Vera Leaf, Aloe Vera Gel, Aloe Vera Juice, Aloe Vera Spray Dried Powder : 100X & 200X.Description Aloe...
Parts Offered
We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :-
Aloe Vera Leaf, Aloe Vera Gel, Aloe Vera Juice, Aloe Vera Spray Dried Powder : 100X & 200X.Description
Aloe Vera is a a coarse perennial with short stem and shallow root system: Aloe Vera leaves are fleshy in rosettes, sessile, often crowded with homy pickles on the margins, convex below, 45-60cm long tapering to a blunt point, surface pale green with irregular white blotches, flowers yellow or orange in racemes. Aloe vera fruits are like loculicidal capsule.

Chemical Constituents
Aloe vera leaves contain barbaloin, chrysophanol glocoside and the aglycone, aloe-emodin. The mucilage of the leaves contains glucose, galactose, mannose and galacturonic acid in addition to an unidentified aldopentose and a protein with 18 amino acids. Aloe vera plant contains aloesone and aloesin. Chemical analysis has revealed that this clear aloe vera gel contains amino acids, minerals, vitamins, enzymes, proteins, polysaccharides and biological stimulators.

Medicinal Uses
The Aloe vera plant is bitter, sweet, cooling, anthelmintic, aperient, carminative, deobstruent, depurative, diuretic, stomachic, emmenagogue, ophthalmic and alexeteric. Aloe vera juice is used in dyspepsia, amenorrhoea, burns, colic, hyperadenosis, hepatopathy, splenopathy, skin diseases, constipation, spanomenorrhea, vitiated conditions of vata and pitta, abdominal tumours, dropsy, carbuncles, sciatica, lumbago and flatulence.

Aloe vera also is used for helminthiasis in children and is a purgative, anthelmintic and emmenagogue. Aloe vera is used for local application in painful inflammations, chronic ulcers and catarrhal and purulent ophthalmia.

Aloe Vera has unique, anti-aging formulations to maintain healthy, fresh-looking skin. The aloe vera plant's healing powers are most widely touted for being able to treat skin conditions. These conditions include psoriasis, shingles, and others associated with itching; in addition, cuts, abrasions and burns are said to benefit from topically applying the leaf's gel to the affected areas.

The uses of aloe vera -- that is, its efficacy -- stem from its active ingredients. These substances harbor anti-inflammatory properties, which may explain why it has been reported to alleviate the pain and swelling associated with itches and burns. Aloe Vera gel has unique, anti-aging formulations to maintain healthy, fresh-looking skin. Its Cosmetic action is antinflammatory, soothing, toning, moisturizing, protective.

During the end of the seventies Aloe vera gel became very popular in the USA as a moisturizing ingredient in cosmetics and its popularity has grown to such an unprecedented extent that it is now the most widely used ingredient in skin care products and can be found on the ingredient list of virtually all cosmetic products. Even dog or cat creams contain Aloe and you can now buy tissues impregnated with Aloe.

Also in the Far East Aloe is a popular ingredient in skin care products as well as in health drinks. Now its popularity is also coming to Europe where more and more well known companies have started to add Aloe to their established products and also introduced special Aloe vera product lines.

The great success of Aloe vera as a commodity for use in nutritional foods and cosmetics is due to the proper stabilizing procedures that enable processors to store and ship the Aloe vera Gel without fear of spoilage throughout the market places of the world.Research conducted around the world leaves little doubt that certain biochemical properties of Aloe will be proven facts.

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Toothache Tree Seeds

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Toothache Tree Seeds
Parts Offered We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :- Toothache Tree Seeds Description An armed shrub or a small tree, upto 6 m in height with dense glabrous foliage...
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We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :-
Toothache Tree Seeds Description
An armed shrub or a small tree, upto 6 m in height with dense glabrous foliage and straight pickles on stmes, blaze yellowish brown rapidly darkening on exposure; leaves compound, imparipinnate, rachis winged, often bearing pink prickles, leaflets 5-11, lanceolate, more or less serrate, each serrature with a pellucid gland, glabous, dark glossy green above, pale beneath, the terminal larger than the laterals; flowers yellow or gree in dense terminal or axillary panicles, polygamous:
fruits reddish subglobose glabrous follicles; seeds solitary, globose, shining, black. 

Chemical Constituents
It contains Pipevine, linalool, linalyl acetate, citral, cinnamatic, limonene, sabinene. 

Cosmetic Uses
Toothache tree was used in frontier times and by native Americans as a remedy for toothache, and also externally for joint pain. As many of you experienced in class, a little piece of bark contains enough of the secondary compound to produce a tingling sensation followed by numbness in the lips or gums. The leaves work as well as the bark. In fact, if you hold the leaves up to the light, you can see the small glands that produce the secondary compounds scattered around in the leaf tissue. Obviously a compound that causes numbness in vertebrate tissues would be an effective deterrent to herbivores, because it would cause numbness and loss of function in the digestive tract of any animal that ate the plant's leaves or other tissues. 

Most if not all members of this family produce "secondary compounds", which are metabolic products that are not part of the primary metabolic pathways of the plant (e.g. are not involved in photosynthesis or respiration, nor are structural parts of the plant). The fruit, branches and thorns are used as a remedy for toothache. The roots, stem bark and wood yield the alkaloid magnoflorine. 

Several Zanthoxylum species grow throughout the temperate belt of China, Japan, the Himalayas and North America. They all have similarities, being aromatic and used in herbal remedies. Only the pipertium variety of the East is useful for cooking. In Japan the wood of the prickly ash is used to make mortars and pestles which impart some flavour to the substances being ground. The Japanese also use the wood for tobacco pipes. Szechwan pepper is still fairly uncommon in the West, so it may be helpful when looking for it to be familiar with some of the other common names and spellings for it: Sichuan pepper, Szechwan pepper and fagara to name a few - see below for others.

The bark and fruits are acrid, bitter, aromatic, deodorant, antiseptic, stimulant, digestive, carminative, stomachic, anthelmintic, liver tonic, diuretic, constipating, sudorific, febrifuge, depurative and tonic. They are useful in vitiated conditions of kapha and vata, turnours odontalagia, cephalalgia, otopathy, ophthalmopathy, dyspepsia, colic, flatulence, helminthiasis, diarrhoea, hepatopathy, splenopathy, strangury, fever, leucoderma leprosy, skin diseases, cough, asthma, paralysis, gout, convulsions, diabetes, wounds ulcers, stomatopathy, pharyngopathy, cardiac debility and general debility. 
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Safflower, Safflower Seeds, American Saffron, False Saffron

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Safflower, Safflower Seeds, American Saffron, False Saffron
Parts Offered We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :- Safflower, Safflower Seeds Description An annual, erect, branching herb 0.6-1.0 m high, glabrous; stem whitish,...
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We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :-
Safflower, Safflower Seeds
An annual, erect, branching herb 0.6-1.0 m high, glabrous; stem whitish, striate. Leaves sessile, somewhat clasping, broad-laneolate or lanceolate-oblong, attenuated at both ends, strongly dentate, slightly spinous; ventation pinnate and netted. lnflorescene a broad COrymb, heads 3-5 borne on leafy peduncles. Flowers orange-red, fruit a white achene, obovoid, 4-angled, truncate at the top with 4 bosses; no pappus. 

Chemical Composition
Safflower contains 2 coloring matters: the first, which is soluble in water, is yellow (called Safflor yellow); the other has a beautiful red color, greenish in reflected light, is insoluble in water, fixed and volatile oils, ether, and in diluted acids, is slightly soluble in alcohol, but readily soluble in alkaline solutions, in which, however, it readily decomposes, with discharge of the color, and is termed carthamin, or carthamic acid (C14H16O7). Its acid properties are feeble. Dried and mixed with French chalk, it constitutes rouge, which is used as a cosmetic. 

Cosmetic Uses
One of the main commercial uses of Safflower is in the dyeing industry.The dyestuff of safflower is highly valued for its delicate shades of pink and for its fragrance.It is also widely used for medicinal, cosmetic,industrial and culinary purposes. Flowers powdered for rouge-like cosmetic. 

In Japan, geishas wore lipstick made of crushed safflower petals to paint the eyebrows and edges of the eyes as well as the lips. Infusion of tea from dried petals is laxative, induces perspiration, and reduces fever. Yellow dye is obtained by steeping the flowers in water, it is used as a saffron substitute A red dye can be obtained by steeping the flowers in alcohol, it is used for dyeing cloth and, mixed with talcum powder, is used as a rouge to colour the cheeks. 

Medicinal Uses
Dysmennorhoea; amennorhoea, coronary heart diseases; angina pectoris, injuries; pains due to blood stasis.
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Albizia, Siris, Woman's Tounge

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Albizia, Siris, Woman's Tounge
Parts offered We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :- Albizia Bark, Siris BarkDescription "Medium to large tree with gray-brown bark; leaves bipinnate, the primary...
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We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :-
Albizia Bark, Siris BarkDescription
"Medium to large tree with gray-brown bark; leaves bipinnate, the primary leaflets subopposite, 2-4 pairs; ultimate leaflets opposite, 6-8 pairs, oblong, slightly asymmetric, blunt, 2.5-4.5 cm long; flowers fragrant, in loose heads, pedicellate, the head 2-4 cm broad, whitish; stamens long-exserted; pods flat, thin, pale straw-colored when mature, 15-20 (rarely 30) cm long, 2.5-3.5 cm wide, few-seeded, the seeds bulging; pods drying, opening slightly or not"

Chemical constituents
The bark yeild tannins of condensed type, viz, D-catechin, isoners of leucocyanidin and melacacidin and a new leucoantho-cyanidin, lebbecacidin. It also gives friedelin and b-sittosterol. Seeds gave crude protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, niacin and ascorbic acid, amino acid, composition of the protein is: arginine, histidine, leucine, and isoleucine lysine. Methionine etc. The flowers contain lupeol, a & b- amyrin and a pigment similar to crocetin. 

Medicinal Uses
Asthma, Thoracic pain, Skin diseases, Leprosy, Leucoderma, Sprains, Wounds, Ulcers, Neuralgia, Night blindness, Diarrhoea. The bark is considered as an antiinflammatory agent. Seeds are used as . 

Saponins and tannins in the bark can be used for making soap and in tanning, respectively. Bee keepers like the species for the light-colored honey its nectar provides, and the tree hosts the lac insect. Soil-binding ability makes it useful for soil conservation plantings.
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Parts Offered We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :- Pellitory RootsDescription A perennial, procumbent plant with numerous stems and somewhat downy branches, leaves...
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We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :-
Pellitory RootsDescription
A perennial, procumbent plant with numerous stems and somewhat downy branches, leaves redical, stalked, smooth, pinnatisect into linear, subulate segments, cauline leaves sessile, branches one-headed, involucreal scales lanceolate, acuminate, brown at the edge, receptacle convex, ray flowers white, purplish beneath. 

Chemical Constituents
The roots contain anacylin, pellitronine, enetriyne, alcohol, hydrocarolin, inulin, traces of volatile oil and seasamin. They also contain deca-, dodeca-and tetradeca-trans-2, trans-4-dienamide, a new series of tyramine amides corresponding to the isobutylamides. The presence of polyacetyenic compounds is also reported in the plant. 

Cosmetic Uses
It is being widely used in tooth pastes, Pellitory root and acacia bark are used for their astringent and cleansing properties. contains an essential oil and an alkaloid "pellitorin" or "pyrethrin"; and act as viriliser, nervine & cardiac tonic, stimulant, sialagogue and possesses antibacterial action due to its alkaloid.

Medicinal Uses
roots are acrid, astringent and are a valuable sialogogue and regarded as a tonic to the nervous system. It is anti-inflammatory, depurative and powerful irritant. A decoction of the root is useful as a gargle in dental caries, odonatalgia, pharyngitis and tonsillitis. It is used to treatment of paralysis, hemiplegia, cephalagia, chronic ophthalmia, epilepsy, cholera, rheumatism and typhus fever. Powedered root is given with honey for epilepsy.
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Apricot Seeds

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Apricot, Dried Apricot Fruit, Apricot Seeds Product Offered We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :- Dried apricot fruit, apricot seeds, dried and raw apricot seeds....
Apricot, Dried Apricot Fruit, Apricot Seeds
Product Offered
We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :- Dried apricot fruit, apricot seeds, dried and raw apricot seeds.

The Apricot Seeds were Historically used to treat tumors as early as AD 502. It was used against tumors and ulcers in England in the 1600s. Arab doctors where known to recommend the oil extracted from apricot stones to cure hemorrhoids, aching noses and earache. They also used it to help to regulate, moisturize and restructure the skin. Apricot kernel oil has moisturizing, nourishing and revitalizing properties and it is particularly helpful for dehydrated, delicate, mature and sensitive skin, and it helps to sooth inflammation. This finely textured oil spreads easily and is particularly rich in both oleic acid and linoleic acid. 

Culinary : 
Fruits are eaten fresh and dried, made into jams and jellies, preserved, and used to make juice. 

Fruits are used to make brandy and liqueurs. 

Apricot juice can be used in place of water when making pancakes. Juice can be poured over cooked oatmeal. It can also be used in place of water when cooking curried lamb and salted rice. 

Facial Mask : 
In blender place enough fresh apricots with a tiny bit of water to measure a total of 1 cup. Coarsely chop or slice a peeled, halved avocado without the pit and place in the blender. Blend until the mixture is a smooth, even consistency. Then add a dollop of olive oil and blend for another minute or two. Apply this mask in thin uniform layer over the face and neck and throat and leave on for 45 minutes. Rinse off with water. This is best done in the early evening (2 or 3 times per week). Each evening put a little heavy dairy cream or half-and-half into a bowl with the juice of half a lemon. Blend well. Before retiring for the evening and using only enough to cover areas previously cleansed with the mask, use a cotton ball to gently massage the skin using a rotating action. Go to bed and in the morning gently bathe face with barley or oatmeal soap. 

Facial Mask (for dull skin) : 
Mash a fresh apricot to a pulp and pat on the skin. Do this every other day. Allow to remain for 10 minutes and then rinse. 

Facial Mask (using dried apricots) : 
Be sure the fruit is free of sulphur dioxide (used as a preservative). Soak overnight in enough water to cover the fruit. The next day cook gently at a low temperature til soft. Mash the warm stewed fruit to a soft pulp and apply a thin layer to the face and throat. Wear for 10 minutes and then rinse away.
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Beauty Tips

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Grind nutmeg with unboiled milk and apply on affected area. This works as a magic. Pimples should disappear without leaving a mark. Make a paste by mixing 3 tablespoons...
  1. Grind nutmeg with unboiled milk and apply on affected area. This works as a magic. Pimples should disappear without leaving a mark.

  2. Make a paste by mixing 3 tablespoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder. Apply this paste on the pimples before sleeping and wash it next morning with warm water. Repeat for two weeks, pimples will disappear forever.

  3. Apply a mixture of 1 teaspoon lemon juice and 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder.

  4. Make orange peel paste by grinding it in some water. Apply on and around pimples.

  5. Rub fresh garlic on and around pimples. Pimples will disappear without a mark with regular applications.

  6. Mix 1 tablespoon groundnut oil with 1 tablespoon fresh lime juice to prevent formation of blackheads and pimples .

  7. Apply fresh mint juice over the face every night for the treatment of pimples, insect stings, eczema, scabies, & other skin infections.

  8. Ground drumstick pods and leaves and mix mixed with fresh lime juice, and apply on pimples. This is also good for blackheads and dark spots.

  9. Apply a paste of fresh fenugreek leaves over the face every night for 10-15 minutes and washed with warm water. This will prevent pimples, blackheads, and wrinkles.

  10. Mix groundnut oil with an equal amtount of fresh lime juice and apply on face. leave for 10-15 minutes and wash. It may be applied daily to prevent formation of blackheads and pimples. 

  11. Apply juice of raw papaya (including the skin and seed) on swelling pimples.

  12. Apply fresh lime juice mixed to a glass of boiled milk as a face wash for pimples, blackheads, and cracked skin.

  13. Mix lime juice and rose water in equal portions. Apply on affected area. Wash it off after 20-30 minutes with lukewarm water.

  14. Apply ripe tomatoes pulp on pimples and kept upto 1 hour, then wash.

  15. Make a paste of roasted & powdered pomgranate skin with fresh lime juice and apply over boils, pimple, blackheads and whiteheads.

  16. Apply grated potatoes as poultice to treat skin blemishes, wrinkles, boils, pimples, blackheads, whiteheads , etc.

  17. Make a paste of sandalwood with rose water. Apply on affected area. Wash it off after 20-30 minutes with lukewarm water.

  18. Make a paste of ground radish seeds with water and apply on face to remove blackheads.

  19. Apply a paste of ground seasame seeds with water as poultice for inflammation of the skin due to allergies, skin rashes, and pimples.

  20. Apply a paste of fresh fenugreek leaves in water over the face every night and washed with warm water in the morning for preventing pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, dryness, and wrinkles.

  21. Apply a decoction on the face, made by boiling 1 teaspoon fenugreek (dana methi, methi) seeds in 1 liter water for a few of minutes for preventing pimples, blackheads, dryness, and wrinkles.

  22. Make a paste of ground orange peel with water. Apply on affected area. Wash it off after 20-30 minutes with lukewarm water. 

  23. Make a paste of salt in vinegar. Rub it on the pimples. Wash it off after 20-30 minutes with lukewarm water.

  24. Make a paste of turmeric powder in mint juice. Apply on affected area. Wash it off after 20-30 minutes with lukewarm water.

  25. Make a paste of neem leaves with turmeric powder. Apply on affected area. Wash it off after 20-30 minutes with lukewarm water. 

  26. Apply of fresh mint juice over face every night to cure pimples or
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Natural Cosmetic Supplies (Unit Of Mother Herbs)