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Almond Oil

Spearmint, Mentha Spicata, Garden Mint, Lamb Mint

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Spearmint, Mentha Spicata, Garden Mint, Lamb Mint
Parts offered Wholesale suppliers and exporters of :- Mint Oil, Spearmint Oil, Mentha Leaves, Mentha Oil, Mentha Spicata, Mint Crystal Description A glabrous perennial,...
Parts offered
Wholesale suppliers and exporters of :-
Mint Oil, Spearmint Oil, Mentha Leaves, Mentha Oil, Mentha Spicata, Mint Crystal

A glabrous perennial, 30-90cm high, with creeping rhizomes, leaves smooth or nearly so, sessile, lanceolate to ovate, acute, coarsely, dentate, smooth above, glandular below, flowers lilac, in loose, cylindrical slender, interrupted spikes.

Chemical Constituents
Major components in the spearming oil are carvone, dipentent, dihydrocarveol, dihydrocarveol acetate, and limonene.

Cosmetic Uses
Mint oil is commonly used for medicinal, culinary and cosmetic purposes. Mint is well known for its ability to ease indigestion and upset stomach. The menthol in mint can help clear sinuses and relieve cold symptoms. In some cases, mint is used to alleviate migraines and fever. It is best to consult a physician before self-treating any potential ailment or symptoms.

Mint is Aromatic, cosmetic, culinary, and medicinal. Fresh or dried leaves scent sachets and potpourris. Spearmint is used in baths to refresh and cool skin, in facials to cleanse the skin, and in lotions. Mint oil has wide uses in tooth paste, mouth wash, chewing gum, candy, hair oil, perfume, cigarettes and cosmetic products.

Mint oil can be found in a wide variety of common household products, ranging from tea to toothpaste. The oil is gathered via a distillation process whereby the mint leaves are steamed, allowing natural oils to surface. It can take hundreds of leaves to produce just a few teaspoons of mint oil, but just a couple drops can be extremely powerful. Mint oil is also frequently added to massage oil, lotions and shampoos.

Many renowned chefs include mint oil in their recipes to add flavor. It is also widely used in candy, cookies, jellies, and of course, chewing gum. The juices and drinks use freshly crushed mint leaves. Mint imparts a clean, refreshing taste, making it a popular ingredient in many types of foods. The home fragrance industry has capitalized on mint as well. Mint oil is often used in potpourri, sachets and room sprays. It is usually combined with other fragrant herbs such as lavender or bergamot and lends a revitalizing quality.
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Natural Cosmetic

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Natural Cosmetic
Natural Cosmetic Parts offered We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :- Centella Extracts, Centella Leaves, Centella Plant, Centella Powder Description Small trailing...
Natural Cosmetic
Parts offered
We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :-
Centella Extracts, Centella Leaves, Centella Plant, Centella Powder

Small trailing herb. Stems slender, prostrate, rooting at the joinds. Leaves alternate or tufted at each node. orbicular, round or kidney-shaped, obviously crenate. Inflorescence in single umbel. bearing 1-5 small flowers. white or reddish. without stalks, Fruit very small. compressed.

Chemical Constituents
Asiaticoside. madecassoside. brahmoside. bicycloelemene, centelloside. indocentelloside, oxyasiatiocoside, thankuniside. asiatic acid, betulinic acid. centellic acid. madecassic acid. centellose. kaempferol. hydrocotyline. phellandrene, vitamin C, linamarase. triterpenoid trisaccharides.

Cosmetic Uses
Centella asiatica has been used traditionally in the management of skin disorders. The extract has also been included in anti-aging creams and other topical formulations useful in retarding free radical mediated degenerative changes in the skin.

The extracts from Centella asiatica, a sub-tropical plant, find their application in superior anti-ageing cosmetics and in nurturing creams for sensitive and dry skin. Further applications are in the treatment of stretch marks and cellulitis. Cosmetic action of Centella is toning, emollient, purifying, epithelizing.

Standardized extract from Centella asiatica contains triterpenoid saponins (8.0% triterpenes, with a minimum of 0.5% asiaticoside). The Centella Asiatica and plum extracts provide elasticity and smoothness, for a youthful, fresh skin.

Plant extracts from the Centella Asiatica strengthen the capillaries in the skin. With regular use of the ACTIVE FUTURE day care, your skin rapidly becomes fresher, smoother, firmer and enjoys a youthful glow and new energy and radiance.

Tropical plants have been being used in traditional beauty care and in medicine for centuries. Centella asiatica (Gotu Kola) also comes from the sub-tropical regions. A legend about this extraordinary plant has it that if the Bengal tiger injures itself, it will waltz into the Centella asiatica and devour the leaves, the sap healing its wounds. Based on this legend, Centella Asiatica is also known as Tiger Grass.

Gotu Kola when added to a facial mask to rejuvenate and regenerate the skin and strengthen the tissues. Centella Asiatica has long been recognised for its healing activity. The principal modes of action of Da Wan ointment are related to the ability of Centella Asiatica to influence the inflammatory process in the wound healing cascade and its ability to promote Type 1 and Type 3 collagen balance. The immature thickened wound is characterised by a prolonged inflammatory stage and an abundance of Type 3 collagen. The promotion of Type 1 collagen production and the winding down of the inflammatory process is directly influenced by Centella Asiatica, as manifested by improved wound healing and scar formation. This inflammatory modulation property of Centella Asiatica may stop the conversion of the myofibroplasts, the cell type known to be associated with thickened, keloid type scars.

Medicinal Uses
The whole plant possesses antibacterial, anti-inflammatory. antifebrile, diuretic and galactagogic activity. It is used in the therapy of feber. measles. haematemesis, epistaxis. diarrhoea, dysentery. constipation. leucorrhoea, jaundice. dysuria, furunculosis. dysmenorrhoea and varices. External application in the form of poultices is prescrived for contusions. closed fractures. sprains and furunculosis.
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Natural Cosmetic

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Natural Cosmetic
Natural Cosmetic Parts offered Wholesale suppliers and exporters of :- Mint Oil, Spearmint Oil, Mentha Leaves, Mentha Oil, Mentha Spicata, Mint Crystal Description A...
Natural Cosmetic

Parts offered
Wholesale suppliers and exporters of :-
Mint Oil, Spearmint Oil, Mentha Leaves, Mentha Oil, Mentha Spicata, Mint Crystal

A glabrous perennial, 30-90cm high, with creeping rhizomes, leaves smooth or nearly so, sessile, lanceolate to ovate, acute, coarsely, dentate, smooth above, glandular below, flowers lilac, in loose, cylindrical slender, interrupted spikes.

Chemical Constituents
Major components in the spearming oil are carvone, dipentent, dihydrocarveol, dihydrocarveol acetate, and limonene.

Cosmetic Uses
Mint oil is commonly used for medicinal, culinary and cosmetic purposes. Mint is well known for its ability to ease indigestion and upset stomach. The menthol in mint can help clear sinuses and relieve cold symptoms. In some cases, mint is used to alleviate migraines and fever. It is best to consult a physician before self-treating any potential ailment or symptoms.

Mint is Aromatic, cosmetic, culinary, and medicinal. Fresh or dried leaves scent sachets and potpourris. Spearmint is used in baths to refresh and cool skin, in facials to cleanse the skin, and in lotions. Mint oil has wide uses in tooth paste, mouth wash, chewing gum, candy, hair oil, perfume and cosmetic products.

Mint oil can be found in a wide variety of common household products, ranging from tea to toothpaste. The oil is gathered via a distillation process whereby the mint leaves are steamed, allowing natural oils to surface. It can take hundreds of leaves to produce just a few teaspoons of mint oil, but just a couple drops can be extremely powerful. Mint oil is also frequently added to massage oil, lotions and shampoos.

Many renowned chefs include mint oil in their recipes to add flavor. It is also widely used in candy, cookies, jellies, and of course, chewing gum. The juices and drinks use freshly crushed mint leaves. Mint imparts a clean, refreshing taste, making it a popular ingredient in many types of foods. The home fragrance industry has capitalized on mint as well. Mint oil is often used in potpourri, sachets and room sprays. It is usually combined with other fragrant herbs such as lavender or bergamot and lends a revitalizing quality.
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Frankincense Essential Oil (Trigonella foenum)

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Frankincense Essential Oil (Trigonella foenum)
Origin of Frankincense essential oil: The earliest recorded use of frankincense is found in an inscription on the tomb of a 15th century BC Egyptian queen named Hathsepsut....
Origin of Frankincense essential oil:
The earliest recorded use of frankincense is found in an inscription on the tomb of a 15th century BC Egyptian queen named Hathsepsut. Ancient Egyptians burned frankincense as incense and ground the charred resin into a powder called kohl. Kohl was used to make the distinctive black eyeliner which is found in most of the figures in Egyptian art.

Description of Frankincense essential oil:
The general aromatic profile of frankincense oil derived from Boswellia sacra/carteri), B. serrata and B. frereana can be characterized by the free flowing translucent to pale yellow or pale amber liquid displays a very diffusive, tangy-fresh, sparkling odor containing pine-lemon notes. As the oil slowly unfolds its unique bouquet, one begins to detect its delicate sweet, resinous woody undertones. Frankincense essential oil is extracted from the gum of a North African tree. The tree is medium sized deciduous tree with ash colored papery bark peeling off in thin flakes. Frankincense essential oil has a woody, spicy, haunting smell. It is slightly camphoric but is regarded as more pleasant and is very useful in dealing with many of the symptoms of distress and panic.

Appearance: Thin liquid

Aroma : : Fresh, woody, balsamic, slightly spicy and fruity 

Color : Light yellow

Chemical constituents: Frankincense oil has various chemical compounds that include pinene, actanol, linalool, octyl acetate, bornyl acetate, incensole and incensyl acetate.

Extraction: Tapping of the bark yield the oleo-resin

Aromatherapy uses:
Aromatherapy massages using frankincense essential oil at the face, neck and scalp may provide effective relief for tension headaches. The most important effect of the essential oil may be on the nervous system. Regarded as an antidepressant, the aroma can both relax and revitalize and can help in cases of nervous tension and exhaustion. Frankincense oil contains sesquiterpenes which stimulate the limbic system, the hypothalamus, the pineal and the pituitary glands. A warm bath with a few drops of frankincense oil is counteracts the effects of nightmares and sudden fears.
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Natural Cosmetic

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Natural Cosmetic
parts offered we are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :- hibiscus flower, hibiscus plant, hibiscus leaves description an evergreen woody, glabrous, showy shrub, 5-8 ft....
parts offered
we are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :-
hibiscus flower, hibiscus plant, hibiscus leaves

an evergreen woody, glabrous, showy shrub, 5-8 ft. High; leaves bright green, ovate, entire below, coarsely toothed above; flowers solitary, axillary, bellshaped, with pistil and stamens projecting from the centre; capsules roundish, many seeded.

chemical constituents
taraxeryl acetate, beta-sitosterol, campesterol, stigmasterol, cholesterol, erogosterol, lipids, citric, tartaric and oxalic acids, fructose, glucose, sucrose, flavonoids and flavonoid glycosides. Hibiscetin, cyaniding and cyanin glucosides. Alkanes.

cosmetic uses
in ayurvedic medicine, hibiscus petal is was used to stimulate thicker hair growth and to prevent premature graying, hair loss and scalp disorders. It acts as a natural emollient hair conditioner and can be used in hair washes, treatments and vinegar rinses for the hair. Use it in combination with brahmi and amla extracts. It has also been long used as a mild shampoo in for babies.

hibiscus extract visibly promotes even tone and texture to skin affected by cellulite. Hibiscus extract is used throughout polynesia, southeast asia, and central and south america for creating an infusion to cleanse, soften, and soothe baby's hair and scalp. Formulated with ultra-light kukui oil to detangle and hibiscus extract to calm and seal the hair for maximum sheen. The flower extracts to prevent unwanted pregnancies at an early stage.

chinese and indian women have traditionally boiled the flowers and leaves of the hibiscus, then mixed the infusion with herbal oil before applying it to their hair as a stimulant to the growth of luxurious tresses. While the chinese use the hibiscus flower's juice as an ingredient in black dye for the hair and eyebrows, indians include hibiscus flower juice in a famous herbal oil and conditioner which is now bottled and sold throughout eastern india under the brand name jaba kusam. One reason for the widespread popularity of this oil is its effectiveness against dandruff. Hibiscus rosa sinensis flowers china rose paste shampoo's.

hibiscus rosa-sinensis are boiled in water to produce an infusion which is then mixed with a herbal oil to be applied to the hair as a stimulant for the growth of luxurious tresses. Hibiscus flower juice is now included in a herbal oil and conditioner sold throughout eastern indian under the name jaba kusam. This formulation is reputed to be particularly effective against dandruff.
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Almond oil (Prunus Amygdalus)

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Almond oil (Prunus Amygdalus)
  • Form: Liquid
  • Packaging Type: Container
  • Plant Part Used/Extracted From: Almonds
  • Usage/Application: Cosmetics Aromatherepy
  • Extraction Method: Cold Press
  • Form: Liquid
  • Packaging Type: Container
  • Plant Part Used/Extracted From: Almonds
  • Usage/Application: Cosmetics Aromatherepy
  • Extraction Method: Cold Press
  • Botanical Name: Prunus Amygdalus
  • Country of Origin: Made in India
A middle sized tree upto 8 metre in height, leaves simple, flowers white tinged with red, fruits velvety drupes about 3-6 cm long, separating into two valves,on maturity exposing the compressed stones having minute holes. The oil is sweet ,cooling antispasmodic and used in homeopathy, cough, ulcers etc.
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Almond Oil ( Prunus Amygdalus)

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Almond Oil ( Prunus Amygdalus)
  • Form: Liquid
  • Packaging Type: Container
  • Usage/Application: Cosmetics Aromatherepy
  • Color: Golden
  • Extraction Method: Cold Press
  • Form: Liquid
  • Packaging Type: Container
  • Usage/Application: Cosmetics Aromatherepy
  • Color: Golden
  • Odour: Sweet nutty aroma reminiscent of almond kernels, cherry aroma.
  • Extraction Method: Cold Press
Origin of Almond oil: 
The wild form of almond grows in parts of mediterranean region. The tree is a native of southwest Asia and is widely cultivated in Spain, Turkey, Morocco, Tunisia and Egypt. Before cultivation and domestication occurred, wild almonds were harvested as food and doubtless were processed by leaching or roasting to remove their toxicity. Domesticated almonds appear in the early bronze age(3000-2000 BC) of the Near East, or possibly a little earlier. A well-known archaeological example of almond is the fruits found in Tutankhamun's tomb in Egypt (c. 1325 BC), probably imported from the Levant.

Description of Almond oil:
A middle sized tree upto 8 metre in height, leaves simple, flowers white tinged with red, fruits velvety drupes about 3-6 cm long, separating into two valves,on maturity exposing the compressed stones having minute holes. The oil is sweet ,cooling antispasmodic and used in hepatopathy, cough, ulcers etc.

Appearance : Mobile Liquid

Aroma : Sweet nutty aroma reminiscent of almond kernels, cherry aroma. 

Color : Golden

Chemical constituents: Almond oil has various chemical compounds that include benzaldehyde, leucine, valine, phenylalanine, lysine, arginine and hydrocyanic (prussic acid).

Extraction: It is extracted by the cold expression of almond seed. 

Aromatherapy uses:
The therapeutic properties includes laxative, diuretic, , demulcent, nutritious, , lithontripic, emollient. It also helps in strengthening and sense enhancing. Sweet almond oil is used as a moisturizer and as a carrier oil in aromatherapy. It is an effective emollient, softening and smoothing the skin. It is one of the most commonly used carrier oils because it does not leave a greasy residue. It is obtained from the dried kernel of the almond tree. The oil from the almond nut is rich in vitamin A and a superb natural moisturiser. Almond Oil is very beneficial for dry and mature skin, providing necessary moisture. 

Cosmetics and Toiletries:
It provides minerals, vitamins and proteins that are essential for beautiful skin. It penetrates skin easily and provides a protective barrier against the elements. Almond oil is used extensively in making candles, freshen potpourri, in soap making, massage oils, bath oil and also as a perfume body oil. This oil is commonly used in skin care preparations for it's moisturizing properties. It is useful for all skin types and is well suited as a massage oil. The oil is used extensively in soapmaking. 

Almond oil is used in making special kind of incence called Auroshikha Almond Incense which is made from essential oils of almond and ylang ylang. The mild and sweet fragrance of the almond is a reason for its popularity. It has the unique ability to neutralize strong offending odors and is often used as a incence and room freshner. 

Almond oil is used to create gem elixir. It can be made by placing a gem stone in sweet almond oil so that the properties inherent in the gemstone are imbued into the oil - blending with accentuating and expanding the healing properties/vibrations of both the stone and the essence oil. 

Cultural aspect: 
Almond oil is regarded as a symbol of watchfulness and promise due to its early flowering, symbolizing God's sudden and rapid redemption of His people among the Hebrews. In Bible, the almond is described as "among the best of fruits".
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Incence Almond Oil

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Incence Almond Oil
  • Form: Liquid
  • Packaging Type: Container
  • Usage/Application: Incence
  • Brand: Natural Cosmetics
  • Extraction Method: Cold Press
  • Country of Origin: Made in India
  • Form: Liquid
  • Packaging Type: Container
  • Usage/Application: Incence
  • Brand: Natural Cosmetics
  • Extraction Method: Cold Press
  • Country of Origin: Made in India
Almond oil is used in making special kind of incence called Auroshikha Almond Incense which is made from essential oils of almond and ylang ylang. The mild and sweet fragrance of the almond is a reason for its popularity. It has the unique ability to neutralize strong offending odors and is often used as a incence and room freshner.
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Flavorings Almond Oil

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Flavorings Almond Oil
  • Form: Liquid
  • Packaging Type: Container
  • Usage/Application: Flavours
  • Brand: Natural Cosmetics
  • Extraction Method: Cold Press
  • Country of Origin: Made in India
  • Form: Liquid
  • Packaging Type: Container
  • Usage/Application: Flavours
  • Brand: Natural Cosmetics
  • Extraction Method: Cold Press
  • Country of Origin: Made in India
Almond is most often eaten on its own, raw or toasted, it is used in some dishes. It is often sprinkled over desserts, particularly sundaes and other ice cream based dishes. It is used in making a special kind of dish called baklava and nougat. Almond is used in making butter and is preferred for its less salty taste.
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Tea tree Oil (Melaleuca alternifolia)

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Tea tree Oil (Melaleuca alternifolia)
  • Form: Liquid
  • Packaging Type: Bottle
  • Plant Part Used/Extracted From: Leaves
  • Usage/Application: Pharma & Cosmetic
  • Botanical Name: Melaleuca Alternifolia
  • Form: Liquid
  • Packaging Type: Bottle
  • Plant Part Used/Extracted From: Leaves
  • Usage/Application: Pharma & Cosmetic
  • Botanical Name: Melaleuca Alternifolia
  • Extraction Method: Steam Distillation
  • Origin: Australia
Origin of Tea tree essential oil:
The aboriginal people of Australia have long used tea tree oil. Similarly tea tree has a long history of use within the field of aromatherapy. In World War Two, the producers and the cutters of tea tree were exempt from military service until enough essential oil had been accumulated. The oil was a highly valued product as it was issued to each soldier and sailor as part of their kit in order to treat tropical infections and infected wounds.

Description of Tea tree:
The Tea tree is a small tree or shrub with needle-like leaves. It is also domestically referred to as Ti-tree. It can grow up to 7 meters (20 feet) in height and thrives in marshy areas, though it is now cultivated in plantations. The tea tree is very robust. It is ready for cutting only two years after its previous harvest. Tea tree oil is a yellowish green-tinged essential oil with afresh camphoraceous odour. The light yellow tea tree oil is produced by steaming the pine-needle-like tea tree leaves to force out the oil which is used mainly in medicine, but also for industrial lubricants and cosmetic products. The oil has a nutmeg-like smell. Tea tree oil contains chemicals known as terpenoids which are believed to provide the oil its medicinal properties. Australian standards were established for the amount of one particular compound, terpinen-4-ol, which must make up at least 30% and preferably 40-50% of the oil for it can be considered medically useful.

Appearance : Thin liquid

Aroma : Medicinal, fresh, woody, earthy, herbaceous 

Color : Pale yellow to colorless

Chemical constituents: Tea tree oil has various chemical compounds that include Terpinen-4-ol, Alpha-Terpineol, Cineole, Pinene, Alpha Terpenene, Beta-Caryophyllene.

Extraction: The tea tree oil is extracted by the steam distillation of leaves.
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Spearmint Oil (Mentha Spicata)

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Spearmint Oil (Mentha Spicata)
  • Form: Liquid
  • CAS No: 8008-79-5
  • Botanical Name: Mentha Spicata
  • Brand: Natural Cosmetic Supplies
  • Usage/Application: Cosmetics
  • Extraction Method: Steam Distillation
  • Form: Liquid
  • CAS No: 8008-79-5
  • Botanical Name: Mentha Spicata
  • Brand: Natural Cosmetic Supplies
  • Usage/Application: Cosmetics
  • Extraction Method: Steam Distillation
  • Appearance: Pale Yellow
  • Fragrance: Characteristic Spearmint
  • Country of Origin: Made in India
Origin of Spearmint essential oil:
Spearmint a native of the Mediterranean area. The ancient Greeks used it to scent their bath water. It had a reputation for curing sexually transmitted diseases like gonorrhea and during the medieval times, spearmint was used to heal sore gums and also to whiten teeth.

Description of Spearmint essential oil:
Spearmint is a hardy perennial herb that reaches about 1 meter (3 feet) in height. It has bright green lance-shaped, sharply serrated leaves and pink or lilac-colored flowers. The astringent properties of spearmint oil also make it a great addition to a facial acne toner or facial steam as it helps to fight oily skin.

Appearance : Thin liquid

Aroma : Minty, slightly fruity aroma that is less bright than peppermint.

Color : Pale yellow to greenish 

Chemical constituents: Spearmint oil has various chemical compounds that include pinene, carvone, cineole, linalool, limonene, myrcene, caryophyllene, menthol.

Extraction: It is extracted by the steam distillation of the flowering tops.

Aromatherapy uses:
Spearmint oil can be effective for the digestive system, for the respiratory tract, for a tired mind and for skin problems. The therapeutic properties of Spearmint oil are: local anesthetic, antispasmodic, astringent, carminative, decongestant, digestive, diuretic, expectorant, stimulant and restorative. Spearmint is a proven antibacterial and antifungal and extremely useful in inhalation for respiratory infections, and in topical applications for skin infections.
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Walnut, Persian Walnut, European Walnut

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Walnut, Persian Walnut, European Walnut
Parts Offered Wholesale suppliers and exporters of :- Walnut Shells, Dried Walnut Fruit Description A large deciduous monoecious tree with tomentose shoots, bark grey,...
Parts Offered
Wholesale suppliers and exporters of :-
Walnut Shells, Dried Walnut Fruit

A large deciduous monoecious tree with tomentose shoots, bark grey, longitudinally fissured, leaves alternate, imparipinnate, leaflets entire aromatic, flowers small, yellowish green, male in pendulous slender catkins, female in 1-3 flowered terminal catkins, fruits drupes, 5cm long with leathery exocarp, woody wrinkled, hard endocarp enclosing 4-lobed, corrugated, oily, edible seed.

Chemical Constituents
A globulin, juglansin, has been isolated from the edible kernel. The nitrogen distribution of the globulin is as follows, basic N, 5.41, non-basic N, 11.51, humin N, 0.15, and amide N, 1.78. The globulin contains cystine and tryptophane.

Cosmetic Uses
The walnut shells are ideal as the gritty, rough agent in soap cosmetics and dental cleansers. Walnut scrub contains ground apricot seeds and crushed walnut shells to exfoliate and aloe vera to moisturize and soothe. Walnut scrub spreads easily over the skin into a dense lather.
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Neem Tree / Margosa Tree Parts

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Neem Tree / Margosa Tree Parts
Parts offered We are Wholesale suppliers and exporters of :- Neem Lea Description A medium to large sized tree, 15-20m in height with a clear bole of 7.0m having grayish to...
Parts offered
We are Wholesale suppliers and exporters of :-
Neem Lea

A medium to large sized tree, 15-20m in height with a clear bole of 7.0m having grayish to dark grey tubercled bark, leaved compound, imparipinnate, leaflets, subopposutem serrate, very oblique at base; flowers cream or yellowish white in axillary panicles, staminal tubes conspicuous, cylindric, widening above 9-10 lobed at the apex: fruits one-seeded drupes with woody endocarp greenish yellow when ripe, seeds ellipsoid, cotyledons thick, fleshy and oily.

Chemical Constituents
the stembark contain: tannin, non-tannin and red dye. The bark exudes a clear, bright, amber -colored gum, known as the East-India Gum. The leaves contain nimbin, nimbinene, 6-desacetynimbinene, bimbandiol, nimbolide and quercetin. The presence of B-sitosterol, no-hexacosanol and nonacosane is also reported. Analysis of the mature leaves gave mositure, protein, fat, fibres, carbohydrates, and minerals, calcium phosporus, iron, thiamine, niacin, vitamin carotene and cal val. The amino acids present are: glutamic acid, tyrosine, aspartic acid alanine, proline, and glutamine. The fruits contain gedunin, 7-deacetoxy-7a-hydroxy gedunin, azadiradione, azadirone, 17B-hydroxy-azadiradione, 17-epiazadiradione and nimbiol.

Cosmtic uses
Blood purifier and beauty enhancer Neem is highly anti-bacterial and therefore the leaves have been used for centuries to make anti-bacterial washes and poultices. Use the extract in face packs, body wraps, and for acne prone skin. Add to (mild) scrubs for skin problems such as eczema and psoriasis. Use in a gardeners hand scrub with corn meal to provide anti-bacterial cleansing after working in the soil. The oil is used in hair dressings; resin is added to skin lotions.

Neem oil, leaves and neem extracts are used to manufacture health and beauty care products. Some of such products are soaps, bath powders, shampoos, lotions and creams, toothpastes, neem leaf tablets to increase immunity, insect repellents, pet care products, etc.

The margosa oil is used for burning and for hydrogenation. Tree is considered a good purifier of air due to its large leaf area. Oil cake, obtained from seeds, is used as a fertiliser and manure. Leaves are used to repel insects and to preserve woollens. Extract of leaves is used in soaps.

For acne relief try mixing Neem and Sandalwood in equal proportions and apply this paste to the affected area. For dandruff relief heat coconut oil and add a bit of Neem. Apply to scalp once in a week.
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Dill Seed Essential Oil (Anethum Sowa)

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Dill Seed Essential Oil (Anethum Sowa)
Origin of Dill seed essential oil: It has been said that the seeds were chewed by early Americans to suppress appetite during church services. Just like Fennel seeds, Dill...
Origin of Dill seed essential oil:
It has been said that the seeds were chewed by early Americans to suppress appetite during church services. Just like Fennel seeds, Dill Seed oil is a regulating food cravings. Dill Seeds are sometimes baked into savory breads in Germany and Scandinavia, for great bursts of flavor. The name 'dill' may come from the Norwegian word dill (to lull).

Description of Dill seed oil: 
It is a member of the Umbelliferae (parsley) family. Growing to about one metre high with inflorescence of yellow flowers which is generally appearing in the summer. Basically its an annual aromatic herb. The oil has a powerful and fresh, sweet spicy, peppery and aromatic odor.

Appearance: Yellow liquid

Aroma : : Herbaceous, peppery/spicy, fresh and warm 

ColorPale yellow

Chemical constituents: Dill seed oil has various chemical compounds that include carvone, dillapiole, limonene, and dihydrocarvone. The herb oil contains, less carvonethan the seed oil. It contains mainly d-a-phellandrene, eugenol, thymol, isoeugenol, linalyl acetate and phellandral.

Extraction: It is mainly extracted by steam distillation of seeds 

Aromatherapy uses:
Aromatherapists credit dill Seed with being an effective stimulating, revitalizing, restoring, purifying, balancing, antispasmodic, carminative, diuretic, stimulant, stomachic and cleansing agent.t has also been used as a remedy for colic and insomnia and as a stimulant for lactation.
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Vetiver Oil (vetiveria Zizanoides)

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Vetiver Oil (vetiveria Zizanoides)
Origin of Vetiver essential oil: Vetiver is a grass which grows in Indonesia and the Philippines and an abundant complex lacework of underground white roots and is mainly...
Origin of Vetiver essential oil:
Vetiver is a grass which grows in Indonesia and the Philippines and an abundant complex lacework of underground white roots and is mainly cultivated in the tropics, such as India, Tahiti, Java and Haiti. Vetiver oil is also known as the 'oil of tranquility' because of its calming properties.

Description of Vetiver essential:
It is a tall, tufted, perennial, scented grass with long narrow leaves. The oil is obtained from the root by distillation. It is popular in the perfume industry and has a long-lasting woody fragrance, often popular with men. In the East it is known as the oil of tranquility and is often used for meditation. Khus (Vetiveria zizanioides) is a grass that grows up to six feet high. Vetiver's deeply penetrating roots and thousands of tiny fibrous rootlets reach out to drink in the aromatic molecules from the surrounding soil, which in turn become the multi-layered perfume notes of its dark amber oil. Sweet and heavy, with rich undertones reminiscent of precious woods and marshlands, the oil has widely varied olfactory characteristics depending on the type of earth it grows in. Because of the diversity of compounds present in different soils, vetiver oil is one of the most biochemically complex of all essential oils. 

Appearance : Viscous liquid. 

Aroma : Juicy, Earthy, Smoky aroma with a sweet undertone 

Color : Amber to olive

Chemical constituents: Vetiver oil has various chemical compounds that include benzoic acid, vetiverol, furfurol, vetivone, vetivene and vetivenyl vetivenate.

Extraction: : The essential oil is distilled from the roots of vetiver.

Aromatherapy uses:
Vetiver oil owes several beauty benefits and emotional effects. It balances the activity of the sebaceous oil glands, has deodorizing properties, and helps normalize oily skin and clear acne. It replenishes moisture in dry and dehydrated skin and has a rejuvenation effect on mature skin, as well as cuts, wounds, irritated and inflamed skin. When used regularly during pregnancy, vetiver oil reportedly prevents stretch marks. The oil strengthens the central nervous system and is helpful in overcoming depression, insomnia, anxiety, stress, tension and nervousness. When locally applied in rheumatism, lumbago, headache, sprain, it is a relieving embrocation. Infusion of roots is a refreshing drink in fever. 
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Pine Oil (Pinus Sylvestris)

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Pine Oil (Pinus Sylvestris)
Origin of Pine essential oil: It is native to the mountanious regions in Europe and north and west Asia. In India it is found in the hills of North eastern Himalayas. It is...
Origin of Pine essential oil:
It is native to the mountanious regions in Europe and north and west Asia. In India it is found in the hills of North eastern Himalayas.

It is extensively cultivated for its wood, tar, pitch, turpentine and was used by the native Americans to prevent scurvy. Mattresses where stuffed with the needles to repel lice and fleas and the ancient Egyptians used pine kernels in their cooking.

Description of Pine essential oil: 
This evergreen tree can grow up to 40 meters (130 feet) and has a flat crown. The bark is a reddish-brown that is deeply fissured with needle-like gray-green leaves that grow in pairs, orange-yellow flowers and pointed brown cones. Pine Oil has an amazing fresh, sweet, balsamic aroma. Commonly used as a decongestant, it is deemed to be valuable in steam inhalations for the treatment of bronchial infections, colds, flu, catarrh, asthma and sinuses.

Appearance : Transparent liquid

Aroma : Fresh, Sweet-resinous, Woody, Turpentine, Coniferous, Balsamic 

Color : Light yellow

Chemical constituents: Pine oil has various chemical compounds that include borneol, bornyl acetate, phallandrene, pinene and carene.

Extraction: Pine oil is obtained by the steam distillation of pine needles, twigs and cones.

Aromatherapy uses:
It contains therapeutic properties like antimicrobial, antirheumatic, antiseptic, antifungal, anti-viral, bactericidal-large spectrum, balsamic, choleretic, deodorant, decongestant, diuretic, expectorant, hypertensive , antidiabetic, cortisone-like insecticidal, restorative, rubefacient, sudorific and tonic-stimulant. Adrenal gland stimulant, analgesic, antibacterial, antibiotic, antifungal, antiseptic, antiviral, arthritis, asthma, bladder infections, bronchitis, catarrh, cholagogue, circulatory stimulant, colds, convalescence, coughs, cuts, cystitis, decongestant, deodorant, detoxifying, disinfectant, diuretic, eczema, expectorant, fatigue, flu, gout, influenza, laryngitis, lice, muscular aches, neuralgia, osteoarthritis, psoriasis, raises blood pressure, rheumatism, ringworm, scabies, scrapes, sinusitis, sore throat and urinary infections.
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Turmeric Leaf Oil, Turmeric Oil ( Curcuma Longa)

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Turmeric Leaf Oil, Turmeric Oil ( Curcuma Longa)
Origin of Turmeric leaf essential oil: The traditional use of turmeric was in India as an antiseptic. It has been in very wide use by women for skin care, particularly to...
Origin of Turmeric leaf essential oil:
The traditional use of turmeric was in India as an antiseptic. It has been in very wide use by women for skin care, particularly to discourage facial hair and acne. Turmeric is also well known as a domestic spice around the world. It is found in abundant in southern parts of India.

Description of Turmeric leaf essential oil: 
Turmeric is a perennial plant with roots or tubers about 1 metre in height. Rhizome thick much-branched, large leaves, golden yellow. It is a deep orange on the inside and has roots about 2 feet long. Inflorescene cylindrical arising, from the leaves on a scape of yellow flowers and greenish or whitish brats with pink tips. Turmeric is also called 'Indian saffron' because of its brilliant yellow color and Indian turmeric is considered the best in the world.

Appearance : Thin liquid

Aroma : Spicy, Earthy, Warm-woody

Color : Yellow to slightly yellow green 

Chemical constituents: Turmeric leaf oil has various chemical compounds that include phellandrene, limonene, zingiberene, curcumene, turmerone, turmerone, turmerone and cineole.

Extraction: Turmeric oil is extracted by the steam distillation of roots and rhizome.

Aromatherapy uses:
The properties are , analgesic, anti-arthritic, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-tumoral, bactericidal, diuretic, hypotensive, insecticidal, laxative, rubefacient and digestive stimulant. Turmeric is seen as an excellent natural , while at the same time it strengthens digestion and helps improve intestinal flora. It is a good anti-bacterial for chronically weak or ill. It not only purifies the blood, but also warms it and stimulates formation of new blood tissue. Turmeric gives the energy of the divine mother and grants prosperity. It is effective for cleansing the chakras (nadi-shodhana), purifying the channels of the subtle body. It helps stretch the ligaments and is, therefore, good for the practice of hatha yoga. Turmeric promotes proper metabolism in the body, correcting both excesses and deficiencies. It is bitter, slightly pungent and a good blood purifier, and works as a tonic to aid digestion and relieve congestion. It has a soothing action on respiratory ailments such as cough and asthma. It also is antiarthritic and acts as a natural anti-bacterial. Turmeric may be added to high-protein food to assist digestion and prevent the formation of gas.
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Walnut Oil (juglans Regia)

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Walnut Oil (juglans Regia)
Origin of Walnut essential oil: Its native place is probably Persia. Other varieties of Walnut, the Black Walnut, the various kinds of Hickory, etc., are mostly natives of...
Origin of Walnut essential oil:
Its native place is probably Persia. Other varieties of Walnut, the Black Walnut, the various kinds of Hickory, etc., are mostly natives of North America.

Description of Walnut essential oil:
The tree grows to a height of 40 or 60 feet, with a large spreading top, and thick, massive stem. One accurately measured by Professor du Breuil, in Normandy, was upwards of 23 feet in circumference; and in some parts of France there are Walnut trees 300 years old, with stems of much greater thickness. Walnut oil has great emollient qualities and is a good choice to include when mixing a massage oil or preparing a carrier oil blend. 

Appearance : Liquid

Aroma : Slightly nutty

Color : Brown 

Chemical constituents:: Walnut essential oil has various chemical compounds that include Eicosenoic, Arachidic, Alpha Linolenic, Linoleic, Oleic, Stearic, Palmitoleic, Palmitic.

Extraction: It is extracted by the cold expression of the kernel.

Aromatherapy uses: 
It is a bitter astringent herb that soothes irritated tissue and has laxative and expectorant properties. Walnut oil is a pleasant nutty smelling oil and contains small amounts of GLA. It can be used in a base/carrier oil blend. The Commission E has approved the use of walnut leaves for mild, superficial inflammations of the skin and excessive perspiration of the hands and feet. 

Pharmaceutical uses:: 
In folk medicine the leaves are used for respiratory problems, such as chronic cough and asthma, constipation and urinary stones; while the rind of the fruit is used to treat diarrhea and anemia. In Chinese medicine it is used for lumbar pain, weak knees, frequent urination, wheezing and constipation. Externally it is used for a selection of skin complaints, which include herpes and eczema, acne, inflammation, sunburn, itchy scalp, perspiration, as well as eye inflammations and hair loss. It is also often used to treat itching scalp, peeling, dandruff, sunburn and superficial burns. 

Walnut oil is light-colored and delicate in flavor and scent, with a slight nutty quality. Although it is used for pan frying but is not used regularly as heating can remove some of the oil's flavor and produce a slight bitterness. It is used primarily as an ingredient in cold dishes such as salad dressings.

Industrial uses:
The most common modern application of walnut oil is by painters where its hard-wearing properties and luminous colours make it desirable for both interior and exterior use. Its slow-drying properties have recently been used paint on glass animations. Its quickness of drying and lack of yellow tint make it a good oil paint thinner and brush cleaner. walnut oil is favoured by wood workers as a finish fimplements that will come in contact with food, such as cutting boards and wooden bowls.
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Valerian Oil (Valeriana officinalis)

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Valerian Oil (Valeriana officinalis)
Origin of Valerian essential oil: The plant grows wild and is cultivated in the northern mountainous parts of India and in the Eastern and Central Europe, but has become...
Origin of Valerian essential oil:
The plant grows wild and is cultivated in the northern mountainous parts of India and in the Eastern and Central Europe, but has become naturalised in Western Europe and parts of North America after early introduction the herbal drug valerian, which has been used for at least 1000 years. Valerian is widely used in Europe as a mild and sleep aid for insomnia, excitability and exhaustion. It has depressant activities on the central nervous system. 

Description of Valerian essential:
Valerian has about 200 perennial herb and small shrub. The plant is found throughout Europe and Northern Asia and is common in England in marshy thickets and on the borders of ditches and rivers where its tall stems may generally be seen in the summer towering above the usual herbage, the rich, dark green of the leaves, their beautiful form. Valerian Root has an earthy, slightly sweet scent characteristic of an oil derived from a root.

Appearance : Mobile liquid

Aroma : Woody, slightly spicy root

Color : Pale brown or amber yellow

Chemical constituents: Valerian oil has various chemical compounds that include Valepotriates, glycoside, volatile oil (up to 2%) containing esters of acetic, butyric and isovalerianic acid, limonene, sesquiterpene, calerian camphor, alkaloids, chatinine, valerianine, actinidine and valerine, choline, tannins, resins, bornyl acetate, caryophyllene, valeranone, valerenal, bornyl isovalerate and valerenic acid.

Extraction: It is extracted by the steam distillation of the roots.
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Turmeric Leaf Oil, Turmeric Oil (curcuma Longa)

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Turmeric Leaf Oil, Turmeric Oil (curcuma Longa)
Origin of Turmeric leaf essential oil: The traditional use of turmeric was in India as an antiseptic. It has been in very wide use by women for skin care, particularly to...
Origin of Turmeric leaf essential oil:
The traditional use of turmeric was in India as an antiseptic. It has been in very wide use by women for skin care, particularly to discourage facial hair and acne. Turmeric is also well known as a domestic spice around the world. It is found in abundant in southern parts of India.

Description of Turmeric leaf essential oil: 
Turmeric is a perennial plant with roots or tubers about 1 metre in height. Rhizome thick much-branched, large leaves, golden yellow. It is a deep orange on the inside and has roots about 2 feet long. Inflorescene cylindrical arising, from the leaves on a scape of yellow flowers and greenish or whitish brats with pink tips. Turmeric is also called 'Indian saffron' because of its brilliant yellow color and Indian turmeric is considered the best in the world.

Appearance : Thin liquid

Aroma : Spicy, Earthy, Warm-woody

Color : Yellow to slightly yellow green 

Chemical constituents: Turmeric leaf oil has various chemical compounds that include phellandrene, limonene, zingiberene, curcumene, turmerone, turmerone, turmerone and cineole.

Extraction: Turmeric oil is extracted by the steam distillation of roots and rhizome.

Aromatherapy uses:
The properties are , analgesic, anti-arthritic, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-tumoral, bactericidal, diuretic, hypotensive, insecticidal, laxative, rubefacient and digestive stimulant. Turmeric is seen as an excellent natural antibiotic, while at the same time it strengthens digestion and helps improve intestinal flora. It is a good anti-bacterial for chronically weak or ill. It not only purifies the blood, but also warms it and stimulates formation of new blood tissue. Turmeric gives the energy of the divine mother and grants prosperity. It is effective for cleansing the chakras (nadi-shodhana), purifying the channels of the subtle body. It helps stretch the ligaments and is, therefore, good for the practice of hatha yoga. Turmeric promotes proper metabolism in the body, correcting both excesses and deficiencies. It is bitter, slightly pungent and a good blood purifier, and works as a tonic to aid digestion and relieve congestion. It has a soothing action on respiratory ailments such as cough and asthma. It also is antiarthritic and acts as a natural anti-bacterial. Turmeric may be added to high-protein food to assist digestion and prevent the formation of gas.
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Walnut, Persian Walnut, European Walnut

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Walnut, Persian Walnut, European Walnut
Parts Offered Wholesale suppliers and exporters of :- Walnut Shells, Dried Walnut Fruit Description A large deciduous monoecious tree with tomentose shoots, bark grey,...
Parts Offered
Wholesale suppliers and exporters of :-
Walnut Shells, Dried Walnut Fruit 

A large deciduous monoecious tree with tomentose shoots, bark grey, longitudinally fissured, leaves alternate, imparipinnate, leaflets entire aromatic, flowers small, yellowish green, male in pendulous slender catkins, female in 1-3 flowered terminal catkins, fruits drupes, 5cm long with leathery exocarp, woody wrinkled, hard endocarp enclosing 4-lobed, corrugated, oily, edible seed. 

Chemical Constituents
A globulin, juglansin, has been isolated from the edible kernel. The nitrogen distribution of the globulin is as follows, basic N, 5.41, non-basic N, 11.51, humin N, 0.15, and amide N, 1.78. The globulin contains cystine and tryptophane. 

Cosmetic Uses
The walnut shells are ideal as the gritty, rough agent in soap cosmetics and dental cleansers. Walnut scrub contains ground apricot seeds and crushed walnut shells to exfoliate and aloe vera to moisturize and soothe. Walnut scrub spreads easily over the skin into a dense lather. 

Walnut Oil is reported to have many benefits, when used in the healing of wounds and skin problems. The oil is obtained by expression from the nut. About one half of the fresh kernel inside the shell of a quality dried walnut is oil. There can, of course, be significant variations depending on growing conditions in a particular region and also from season to season. Walnut oil is useful against fungal and parasitic infections. It may also help eliminate warts, and when rubbed on the skin, walnut is reputed to be beneficial for eczema, herpes, psoriasis, and skin parasites. The oil has traditionally been used externally in the treatment of gangrene, leprosy, and wounds. Walnut in a massage blend has great emollient qualities and is a good choice to include when mixing a massage blend or preparing a carrier base. Very unsaturated, walnut oil presents good moisturizing, anti-aging, and regenerative and toning properties, and can be used in all anti-wrinkle products and creams for dry, normal, and mature skin, body and hygiene products, massage blends, and lip balms, etc. 

Leaves are astringent, tonic and anthelmintic. The leaves and bark are antiscorbutic and detergent, and are useful in herpes, eczema, scrofula and syphilis. The fruits are sweet, emollient, thermogenic, aphrodisiac, tonic and carminative. They are useful as alternant in rheumatism. The expressed oil of the fruit is considered useful against tapeworm and is used to strengthen and lubricate the muscles. The kernels are said to posses aphrodisiac properties and are recommended in colic and dysentery. 

Industrial use of walnut shells
Removal of paint, flash, burrs, and other flaws in plastic and rubber molding, aluminum and zinc die casting, and electronic industries. As a sand replacement for paint removal, graffiti removal and general cleaning in restoration of buildings, bridges, and outdoor statuary. For aircraft engine clean out For cleaning steam turbines.
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Verbena Oil (aloysia Triphylla)

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Verbena Oil (aloysia Triphylla)
Origin of Verbena essential oil It is a native of Chile and Argentina, it is now cultivated in the Mediterranean region - France, Tunisia, Algeria and India. The essential...
Origin of Verbena essential oil
It is a native of Chile and Argentina, it is now cultivated in the Mediterranean region - France, Tunisia, Algeria and India. The essential oil is from the harvested herb, and is produced mainly in southern France and North Africas named after Marie Louisa, Princess of Parma. Lemon verbena oil must not be mistaken with "Spanish verbena", also referred to by some as "verbena oil", or with Verbena officinalis, which refers to the herb Vervain.

Description of Verbena essential
It is a deciduous, perennial shrub that grows up to 5 meters (16 feet) in height and has a woody stem, very fragrant, delicate, pale green leaves and small purple flowers. Often grown as an ornamental bush in gardens, the uses of lemon verbena are similar to those of mint, orange flowers and melissa.

Appearance Liquid

Aroma Sweet, Fresh, Lemony, Fruity-floral, Fragrance

Color A pale olive or yellow

Chemical constituentsVerbena oil has various chemical compounds that include borneol, , linalool, nerol, citral, dipentene, limonene and myrcene.

Extraction Lemon verbena oil is extracted from the freshly harvested leaves by steam distillation.

Aromatherapy uses
verbena pure essential oil helps to ease exhaustion, relieve anxiety, boost concentration, a very strong antibacterial, antiseptic and antispasmodic effects.

Pharmaceutical Uses
In the digestive system, lemon verbena oil helps with cramps, indigestion and liver congestion and is helpful to restore the liver after a binge and when suffering from a hangover. The stimulant action on the digestive system helps to digest fats and the excellent action on the liver helps in cases of cirrhosis as well as alcoholism. It soothes the respiratory tract and calms heart palpitations. The calming action of the oil helps in problems. Lemon verbena oil helps to reduce depression and relaxes as well as refreshes the body and mind, while uplifting the spirits and promoting stress control.

Cosmetics and Toiletries
This oil helps with nervous conditions, especially those that manifest as digestive complaints and is a wonderful liver tonic, while it has a softening effect on the skin and help to reduce puffiness as well. It is used as

Burners and vaporizers
In vapor therapy lemon verbena oil can be used for nervous conditions, when trying to deal with stress or when feeling down and depressed.

Blended massage oil or in the bath As a blended massage oil or diluted in the bath, lemon verbena oil can help with digestive problems and is a boost for liver functions, insomnia and the nervous system, helping to ease respiratory problems, such as bronchitis and sinus congestion. It is also used to tone the skin. It helps in the possible sensitization of the skin when added to bath or massage blend.

Cream or lotion
In a cream or lotion it can help to reduce puffiness and soften the skin, but use with care as it can sensitize the skin and cause phototoxicity. It has a good preservative properties used in shampoos and active deodrants.

It also act as a natural insect repellent.A 20% solution was found to be effective against anopheles mosquitoes. It has good repellency power and remained effective for four hours for at least 50% of the insects. This is a good result for verbena oil.
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Rose oil

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Rose oil
Origin of Rose essential oil: 'Rosa' comes from the Greek 'roden' meaning 'red', as the ancient rose was thought to have been crimson. The 10th century Persian physician,...
Origin of Rose essential oil:
'Rosa' comes from the Greek 'roden' meaning 'red', as the ancient rose was thought to have been crimson. The 10th century Persian physician, used the rose as his first plant to distill and a rose distillery existed in 1612 in Shiraz, Persia.

Description of Rose :
It is floral with a rosy hint obtained by cold pressing of flowers and is widely used in aromatherapy and cosmetic application. A small, erect, prickly shrub with unequal, large, hooked prickles and many bristles, leaves compound, alternate, leaflets usually five, rachis not prickly, flowers usually pink, very fragrant, very double on long slender pedicels, calyx tube globose, ovoid, the mouth contracted, lobes 4-5 imbricate, petals many, stames many, inserted on the mouth of the calyx tube.

Appearance : Thick liquid

Aroma : Floral, Honey-like, Intense and Sweet

Color : Deep yellow to brownish red 

Chemical constituents:: Rose oil has various chemical compounds that include Citronellol, phenyl ethanol, geraniol, nerol, farnesol and stearpoten with traces of nonanol, linalool, nonanal, phenyl acetaldehyde, citral, carvone, citronellyl acetate, 2-phenylmenthyl acetate, methyl eugenol, eugenol and rose oxide.

Extraction: It is extracted by the steam distillation and solvent extraction of the rose petals

Aromatherapy uses: 
The therapeutic properties of rose oil are antidepressant, antiphlogistic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antiviral, aphrodisiac, astringent, bactericidal, choleretic, cicatrisant, depurative, emmenagogue, haemostatic, hepatic, laxative, nervous system sedative, stomachic and a tonic for the heart, liver, stomach and uterus. Oil soothes and harmonizes the mind and helps with depression, anger, grief, fear, nervous tension and stress and at the same time addresses sexuality, self-nurturing, self esteem and dealing with emotional problems. 

Pharmaceutical uses:: 
It is very helpful for poor circulation and heart problems, which includes heart palpitations, arrhythmia and high blood pressure as well. It is also used to boost the liver and gall bladder. Rose oil assists in cases of asthma, coughs, hay fever, liver congestion and nausea. It is also effective for moisturizing and hydrating the skin. It is used to repair broken capillaries, inflammation and is useful in eczema and herpes. Rose oil is useful in eczema and herpes. It is most effective for moisturizing and hydrating the skin while having a general stimulant and antiseptic action which is good for all skin types, but especially so for dry, mature and irritated skin. 

Cosmetics and Toiletries: 
Rose oil is used in preparations of inhalations, cold creams and lotions and other cosmetic uses. It may be used in potpourri as a pleasant scent. It can be mixed with vegetable glycerine for moisturizing use. It is mostly used in perfumery and also in toilet preparations, lozenges and toothpaste. 

It is used in flavoring agent for cakes, candies, tea, jams, rose vinegars, salads and cream caramel. It is also used as addtive to drinks , beverages and yogurt. It is also used in preparing butter, syrup, jams and honey. Rose oil is used in desserts, pastries and cakes. 
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Gandhapurna Oil/ gandharan Oil

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Gandhapurna Oil/ gandharan Oil
  • Packaging Type: Bottle
  • Usage/Application: Joint Pain Relief
  • Prescription/Non prescription: Non prescription
  • Country of Origin: Made in India
  • Packaging Type: Bottle
  • Usage/Application: Joint Pain Relief
  • Prescription/Non prescription: Non prescription
  • Country of Origin: Made in India
Description of Gandhapurna :

Appearance : Brownish liquid

Aroma : Typical

Color : Brownish

Chemical constituents:: Oil has various chemical compounds that include 

Therapeutic Effects: 
Gandhapurna Oil is very effective in body, koint pains

Gandhapurna essential oil Uses:
Oil is applied externally with success in acute rheumatism, sciatica and neuralgia. It is used in aches and pains. Oil is valuable for local inflammatory swellings, neuralgic pain, pleurodynia, myalgia, itching, and swelling and stiffness of the joints. It provides a good pain relieving application for acute articular and chronic rheumatism and in gonorrheal arthritis. 

Cosmetics and Toiletries: 
The powder from the seed is used to treat leprosy and leucoderma internally. It is also applied in the form of paste or ointment externally. The unsaponified oil has been used with success in case of leucoderma and psoriasis. It was shown to improve the color of skin (including removing white spots), hair and nails. 

It is useful in rheumatism, hookworm, diarrhoea, toothache, sciatica, fever, acute pain of nervine origin, intestinal worms and gout.

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Cosmetics and Toiletries

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Cosmetics and Toiletries
It provides minerals, vitamins and proteins that are essential for beautiful skin. It penetrates skin easily and provides a protective barrier against the elements. Almond...
It provides minerals, vitamins and proteins that are essential for beautiful skin. It penetrates skin easily and provides a protective barrier against the elements. Almond oil is used extensively in making candles, freshen potpourri, in soap making, massage oils, bath oil and also as a perfume body oil. This oil is commonly used in skin care preparations for it's moisturizing properties. It is useful for all skin types and is well suited as a massage oil. The oil is used extensively in soapmaking.
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Aromatherapy Uses

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Aromatherapy Uses
The therapeutic properties includes laxative, diuretic, , demulcent, nutritious, , lithontripic, emollient. It also helps in strengthening and sense enhancing. Sweet almond...
The therapeutic properties includes laxative, diuretic, , demulcent, nutritious, , lithontripic, emollient. It also helps in strengthening and sense enhancing. Sweet almond oil is used as a moisturizer and as a carrier oil in aromatherapy. It is an effective emollient, softening and smoothing the skin. It is one of the most commonly used carrier oils because it does not leave a greasy residue. It is obtained from the dried kernel of the almond tree. The oil from the almond nut is rich in vitamin A and a superb natural moisturiser. Almond Oil is very beneficial for dry and mature skin, providing necessary moisture.
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Clary Sage Oil (Salvia Sclarea)

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Origin of Clary sage essential oil: It is a native to southern Europe and is cultivated for oil production in France and Russia. The name is derived from the Latin 'Claris'...
Origin of Clary sage essential oil:
It is a native to southern Europe and is cultivated for oil production in France and Russia. The name is derived from the Latin 'Claris' that means 'clear' or from the Greek 'Skeria' meaning 'hardness', referring to the hard parts of the flower petals. It was known in the Middle Ages as 'Oculus Christi' - the 'Eye of Christ' and was a highly esteemed medicine.

Description of oil:
Clary Sage is a stout biennial herb that grows up to 1 meter (3 feet) tall with large, hairy leaves and small blue/ white flowers growing directly off the long, thin stem. Small blue flower grow out form large bracts, pinkish in color. It is a perennial that grows fairly low to the ground with large oval fuzzy looking leaves.

Appearance : Viscous liquid 

Aroma : Bright, Earthy, Herbaceous, with a subtle fruity note.

Color : Light golden yellow

Chemical constituents: Clary sage oil has various chemical compounds that include Linalol, Sclareol, Myrcene, Phellandrene and Pinene.

Extraction: It is extracted by steam distillation of flowering tops.

Aromatherapy uses:
It is useful in the conditions like asthma, depression, digestive problems, exhaustion, muscle cramps spasms and respiratory problems. It is anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antispasmodic and .The essential oil is also used for depression, nervousness, sore throat, minor aches and pains.

Pharmaceutical uses:
Clary Sage essential oil soothes, relaxes and warms. It is a generally uplifting essential oil when used in moderation. It contains a hormone-like compound similar to estrogen that regulates hormonal balance resulting in it use for moderating PMS symptoms. It is used in massaging on muscles and on abdomen before and during menstruation. Induces feeling of well-being. Enhances dream state and has sensual properties. It is helpful in asthma, depression, digestive problems, exhaustion, muscle cramps and respiratory problems.
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Valerian Oil ( Valeriana Officinalis)

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Origin of Valerian essential oil: The plant grows wild and is cultivated in the northern mountainous parts of India and in the Eastern and Central Europe, but has become...
Origin of Valerian essential oil:
The plant grows wild and is cultivated in the northern mountainous parts of India and in the Eastern and Central Europe, but has become naturalised in Western Europe and parts of North America after early introduction the herbal drug valerian, which has been used for at least 1000 years. Valerian is widely used in Europe as a mild and sleep aid for insomnia, excitability and exhaustion. It has depressant activities on the central nervous system. 

Description of Valerian essential:
Valerian has about 200 perennial herb and small shrub. The plant is found throughout Europe and Northern Asia and is common in England in marshy thickets and on the borders of ditches and rivers where its tall stems may generally be seen in the summer towering above the usual herbage, the rich, dark green of the leaves, their beautiful form. Valerian Root has an earthy, slightly sweet scent characteristic of an oil derived from a root.

Appearance : Mobile liquid

Aroma : Woody, slightly spicy root

Color : Pale brown or amber yellow

Chemical constituents: Valerian oil has various chemical compounds that include Valepotriates, glycoside, volatile oil (up to 2%) containing esters of acetic, butyric and isovalerianic acid, limonene, sesquiterpene, calerian camphor, alkaloids, chatinine, valerianine, actinidine and valerine, choline, tannins, resins, bornyl acetate, caryophyllene, valeranone, valerenal, bornyl isovalerate and valerenic acid.

Extraction: It is extracted by the steam distillation of the roots. 

Aromatherapy uses:
Valerian is a warming and sedative herb with bitter principles and is used to calm the nerves, help with pain relief, stimulate the appetite, lower blood pressure, relax spasms and improve digestion. Valerian is an excellent remedy for anxiety, nervous tension and insomnia. Valerian essential oil has been used for hypochondria, nervous headaches, irritability, mild spasmodic affections, diarrhea, epilepsy, migraine headaches, croup, hysteria, convulsions, vertigo, nervous cough, delirium, neuralgia, muscle cramps, gas pains, stomach cramps, spasms, palpitations.

Pharmaceutical uses:
Valerian also has a strengthening action on the heart, good for palpitations and experiments indicate that it lowers blood pressure. The valepotriates are antispasmodic and is a useful remedy for nervous dyspepsia, stomach cramps, and for a spastic or irritable bowel. It is also an effective treatment for menstrual cramps.

Valerian is a strong nervine and is very helpful for insomnia. It contains an essential oil and alkaloids which combine to produce calming sedative effect. It can be used as a tranquillizer but leaves one feeling refreshed rather than sluggish. It is known as a safe non-narcotic herbal sedative and has been recommended in anxiety states. Valerian is commonly used with other herbs for nervous tension. It is also useful in pain-relieving remedies for it's relaxing properties for muscle spasms. Valerian has been used for insomnia, migraines, menstrual moods and relaxation. It is extremely helpful for nausea and headache due to its strong smell
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Pine Oil (pinus Sylvestris)

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Origin of Pine essential oil: It is native to the mountanious regions in Europe and north and west Asia. In India it is found in the hills of North eastern Himalayas. It is...
Origin of Pine essential oil:
It is native to the mountanious regions in Europe and north and west Asia. In India it is found in the hills of North eastern Himalayas.

It is extensively cultivated for its wood, tar, pitch, turpentine and was used by the native Americans to prevent scurvy. Mattresses where stuffed with the needles to repel lice and fleas and the ancient Egyptians used pine kernels in their cooking.

Description of Pine essential oil: 
This evergreen tree can grow up to 40 meters (130 feet) and has a flat crown. The bark is a reddish-brown that is deeply fissured with needle-like gray-green leaves that grow in pairs, orange-yellow flowers and pointed brown cones. Pine Oil has an amazing fresh, sweet, balsamic aroma. Commonly used as a decongestant, it is deemed to be valuable in steam inhalations for the treatment of bronchial infections, colds, flu, catarrh, asthma and sinuses.

Appearance : Transparent liquid

Aroma : Fresh, Sweet-resinous, Woody, Turpentine, Coniferous, Balsamic 

Color : Light yellow

Chemical constituents: Pine oil has various chemical compounds that include borneol, bornyl acetate, phallandrene, pinene and carene.

Extraction: Pine oil is obtained by the steam distillation of pine needles, twigs and cones.

Aromatherapy uses:
It contains therapeutic properties like antimicrobial, antirheumatic, antiseptic, antifungal, anti-viral, bactericidal-large spectrum, balsamic, choleretic, deodorant, decongestant, diuretic, expectorant, hypertensive , antidiabetic, cortisone-like insecticidal, restorative, rubefacient, sudorific and tonic-stimulant. Adrenal gland stimulant, analgesic, antibacterial, , antifungal, antiseptic, antiviral, arthritis, asthma, bladder infections, bronchitis, catarrh, cholagogue, circulatory stimulant, colds, convalescence, coughs, cuts, cystitis, decongestant, deodorant, detoxifying, disinfectant, diuretic, eczema, expectorant, fatigue, flu, gout, influenza, laryngitis, lice, muscular aches, neuralgia, osteoarthritis, psoriasis, raises blood pressure, rheumatism, ringworm, scabies, scrapes, sinusitis, sore throat and urinary infections.

Powerful antiseptic for respiratory tract, balsamic, rubefacient (rheumatic complains.) influenza and all infections of respiratory tract.

Pharmaceutical uses:
Pine oil is most useful to relieve mental, physical and  fatigue, while having a cleansing and invigorating effect on an area and is great for vapor therapy in a sick room as it promotes healing. It can be used for cuts and sores, scabies and lice and for excessive perspiration while its warming properties help with rheumatism, arthritis, gout, muscular aches and pains and it can stimulate circulation. Furthermore it can help in cases of bronchitis, asthma, catarrh, coughs, laryngitis, colds and flu. It eases breathlessness and sinusitis. 

It has also been applied to eczema those with laryngitis, lice, muscular aches, neuralgia, psoriasis, rheumatism, ringworm, scrapes and sinusitis. 

Cosmetics and Toiletries:
Pine oil is used for cosmetics and toiletries. Pine oil is having a very strong aroma and a little camphory balsamic, is used mainly in cosmetic purposes like perfumery, soaps, shampoos, air fresheners, deodorants and various types of creams. It is also used as solvent for specialty dyes. 
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