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Dandelion, Blow Ball

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Dandelion, Blow Ball
Product offered We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :- Dandelion, Dandelion root, Dandelion Fruits Description A perennial herb with thick tap root and abundant...
Product offered
We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :-
Dandelion, Dandelion root, Dandelion Fruits

A perennial herb with thick tap root and abundant milky juice in all parts; leaves radical, sessile, variable in shape, narrowly oblong, irregularly Pinnatitid, lobes linear or triangular, toothed; flowers yellow in ligulate heads; fruits glabrous achenes, flattened, ribbed minutely, spiny on the upper half, crowned with White pappus hairs.

Chemical Constituents
The frug contains a bitter crystalline principle, taraxacin and a crystalline substance, taraxacerine; the phytosterols-taraxasterol and homotaraxasterol besides saponin. The milky sap contain cerylalcohol, lactuce-roltaraxacin, and choline. The root yields inulin, tannin and some ethereal oil; the leaves contain vitamin C and the flowers xanthophylls. Also contain Potassium and Vitamin A.

Cosmetic Uses
Dandelion root is known to be an excellent blood cleanser, specifically for the liver, as well as a mild laxative. Dandelion by Benefit is a pinkish powder that makes you look very fresh, makes your skin glow and Hoola, also by Benefit, gives you a suntanny look but it's very light.
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Natural Cosmetic Supplies (Unit Of Mother Herbs)