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Patchouli Oil

Patchouli Oil, Patchouli Seeds

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Patchouli Oil, Patchouli Seeds
Part used Pogostemon Patchouli Pellet. We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :- Patchouli Oil, Patchouli SeedsDescription A fragrant perennial herb, 30-100cm high....
Part used 
 Pogostemon Patchouli Pellet. We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :-
Patchouli Oil, Patchouli SeedsDescription
A fragrant perennial herb, 30-100cm high. Stem erect and thick, the upper parts branched and covered densely with dull -yellow tomenia. The lower parts, terete, ligneous. Leaves opposite, petiole 2-5cm long, also with tomenta. Blade broadly ovate or oavte, 5-10cm long by 2.5-7cm wide tip sub-acute, base cuneate oar lightly coradate. Margin obtusely dentate or incised, both surfaces covered with dense hairs and oil glands, Summer. Flower small in terminal or axillary spikes,. Calyx tubular, 6mm long5-lobbed. Corolla bilabiate, 8mm long, light reddish-purple. Stamens 4, extending from the corollatube, Nutlets smooth. 

Mostly cultivated in warm and moist regions in China, India, Malaysia and Philippines. 

Chemical Constituents

Cosmetic Uses
The uses to which patchouli oil is put to include cosmetics, perfumes of all kinds, toiletries (with soaps being a major consumer of this oil), breath refreshners especially in the East (40 metric tons of patchouli are used by India''s pan and chewing industry), incense, etc. 

The oil is used in the East generally to scent linen and cloths, and it is believed to help prevent the spread of disease. In China, Japan and Malaysia the herb is used to treat colds, headaches, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal pain and halitosis. Its use sometimes is said to cause loss of appetite and sleep and nervous attacks. The Chinese, Japanese and Arabs believe it to possess prophylactic properties. Extensively used in cosmetic preparations, and as a fixative in soaps, and perfumes. Extensively used in the food industry, in alcoholic and soft drinks. 

When used in Massage and Bath Oil Blends, Patchouli reduces anxiety and depression and produces a warming and sensual feeling. Patchouli is an ingredient. 

Medicinal Uses
Fever caused heat stroke, headache, poor appetite; nausea, vomitting, diarrhoea. Leaves yield and essential oil known as Patchouli Oil much used in perfumery industry for scenting soaps and other cosmetics, tobacco and incenses, an excellent masking agent in depilatory creams. It yields an excellent attar on blending with sandalwood oil. Infusion of fresh leaves is given in menstrual troubles. Dried leaves used for scenting wardrobes

Blends with 
Patchouli blends well with labdanum, vetiver, sandalwood, cedarwood, oakmoss, rose, orange blossom, bergamot, cassia, myrrh, opopanax, clary sage and oriental-type bases. 
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Natural Cosmetic Supplies (Unit Of Mother Herbs)