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Davana Oil

Davana Oil (Artemisia Pallens)

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Davana Oil (Artemisia Pallens)
Origin of Davana essential oil: The plant grows in the parts of southern India. India is the only producer and exporter of Davana oil. Davana can be cultivated as an...
Origin of Davana essential oil: 
The plant grows in the parts of southern India. India is the only producer and exporter of Davana oil. Davana can be cultivated as an irrigated crop throughout Andhra Pradesh in well-drained light to medium textured soils of neutral PH. 

Description of Davana essential:
A tall aromatic perenniel shrub villous throughout, often gregarious,lower leaves ovate in outline deeply pinnatisect with small stipule like lobes at the base, white-tomentose beneath, uppermost smaller, flowers in subglobose heads. Oil is admired for its long-lasting, sweet, balsamic and fruity aroma. It is used in fragrance blends and perfumes. Davana oil is very dark green or brownish green in color. It's odor is sharp, penetrating, bitter green, foliage like and powerfully herbaceous with a sweet balsamic, tenacious backnote.

Appearance : Viscous liquid

Aroma : Sharp, Penetrating, Bitter-green, Foliage like and powerfully herbaceous with a sweet balsamic, tenacious undertone.

Color : Reddish yellow

Chemical constituents: Davana oil has various chemical compounds that include crystalline petacyclic alcohol, fernenol, cymene, azulene, thuzone, linalool, thujyl alcohol, amyrin, sitosterol and stigmasterol. 

Extraction: Davana Oil is obtained by steam distillation of the overground parts of the flowering herb.

Cosmetics and Toiletries:
Davana oil with its fine cognac aroma, is often used in male toiletries. As it has good skin conditioning properties, it is a good post shaving oil. But it is reputed to be the second most potent aphrodisiac essential oil after agarwood. It stimulates the endocrine system, improves hormonal balance, and is soothing to dry, chapped skin.
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Natural Cosmetic Supplies (Unit Of Mother Herbs)