Cleansing Cream Ingredients Mint, Peppermint, Field Mine, Japanese MintAsk PriceParts Offered We are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :- Mint Leaves, Mint oil, Mint crystal, Mint chips Send Enquiry ! Description Perennial herbs, 30-50cm High :...Parts OfferedWe are wholesale suppliers and exporters of :-Mint Leaves, Mint oil, Mint crystal, Mint chipsSend Enquiry !DescriptionPerennial herbs, 30-50cm High : Stems quadrangular, erect or prostate, rooting at the nodes. Leaves opposite, ovate, softly tomentose on both sides, margins serrate, Inflorescence in axillary capitate whorl: flowers small, white or lilac. Chemical Constituents The whole plant yields an essential oil consisting of L-menthol 65-85%, menthhyl acetate, L-menthone, L-a-pinene, limonene. Cosmetic UsesMint Oil is commonly used for medicinal, culinary and cosmetic purposes. Mint is well known for its ability to ease indigestion and upset stomach. The menthol in mint can help clear sinuses and relieve cold symptoms. In some cases, mint is used to alleviate migraines and fever. It is best to consult a physician before self-treating any potential ailment or symptoms. Mint is Aromatic, cosmetic, culinary, and medicinal. Fresh or dried leaves scent sachets and potpourris. Spearmint is used in baths to refresh and cool skin, in facials to cleanse the skin, and in lotions. Mint oil has wide uses in tooth paste, mouth wash, chewing gum, candy, hair oil, perfume, cigarettes and cosmetic products. Mint oil can be found in a wide variety of common household products, ranging from tea to toothpaste. The oil is gathered via a distillation process whereby the mint leaves are steamed, allowing natural oils to surface. It can take hundreds of leaves to produce just a few teaspoons of mint oil, but just a couple drops can be extremely powerful. Mint oil is also frequently added to massage oil, lotions and shampoos. Medicinal UsesThe entire plant, apart from the roods, is antibacterial and antibrile. It yields an essential oil and menthol which exert, through their rapid evaporation, slightly anaesthetic and anodyne local effect. It is effective in coryza, adiaphoretic fever, headache, rhinitis, cough sore throat, arthralgia, neuralgia, colic, vomiting, dyspepsia, diarrhoea and prurigo. The essential oil and menthol are the constituents of several balsams. Poultices of fresh leaves and th inhalation of essential oil and menthol are also prescribed.know more7392094712Get Best PriceCall Now Aloe, Aloe Vera, Indian AloeAsk PriceDescription Aloe Vera is a a coarse perennial with short stem and shallow root system: Its leaves are fleshy in rosettes, sessile, often crowded with homy pickles on the...DescriptionAloe Vera is a a coarse perennial with short stem and shallow root system: Its leaves are fleshy in rosettes, sessile, often crowded with homy pickles on the margins, convex below, 45-60cm long tapering to a blunt point, surface pale green with irregular white blotches, flowers yellow or orange in racemes. Aloe vera fruits are like loculicidal capsule.Chemical ConstituentsAloe vera leaves contain barbaloin, chrysophanol glocoside and the aglycone, aloe-emodin. The mucilage of the leaves contains glucose, galactose, mannose and galacturonic acid in addition to an unidentified aldopentose and a protein with 18 amino acids. Aloe vera plant contains aloesone and aloesin. Chemical analysis has revealed that this clear aloe vera gel contains amino acids, minerals, vitamins, enzymes, proteins, polysaccharides and biological stimulators.Medicinal UsesThe plant is bitter, sweet, cooling, anthelmintic, aperient, carminative, deobstruent, depurative, diuretic, stomachic, emmenagogue, ophthalmic and alexeteric. Aloe vera juice is used in dyspepsia, amenorrhoea, burns, colic, hyperadenosis, hepatopathy, splenopathy, skin diseases, constipation, spanomenorrhea, vitiated conditions of vata and pitta, abdominal tumours, dropsy, carbuncles, sciatica, lumbago and flatulence.It also is used for helminthiasis in children and is a purgative, anthelmintic and emmenagogue. Aloe vera is used for local application in painful inflammations, chronic ulcers and catarrhal and purulent ophthalmia. COSMETIC USESAloe Vera has unique, anti-aging formulations to maintain healthy, fresh-looking skin. The aloe vera plant's healing powers are most widely touted for being able to treat skin conditions. These conditions include psoriasis, shingles, and others associated with itching; in addition, cuts, abrasions and burns are said to benefit from topically applying the leaf's gel to the affected areas.The uses of aloe vera -- that is, its efficacy -- stem from its active ingredients. These substances harbor anti-inflammatory properties, which may explain why it has been reported to alleviate the pain and swelling associated with itches and burns. Aloe Vera gel has unique, anti-aging formulations to maintain healthy, fresh-looking skin. Its Cosmetic action is antinflammatory, soothing, toning, moisturizing, protective.know more7392107033Get Best PriceCall Now Holy Basil, Sacred BasilAsk PriceDescription An erect much branched softly pubscent undershrub, 30-60cm high with red or purple subquadrangular branches, leaves simple, opposite, elliptic, oblong, obtuse or...DescriptionAn erect much branched softly pubscent undershrub, 30-60cm high with red or purple subquadrangular branches, leaves simple, opposite, elliptic, oblong, obtuse or acute, entire, serrate, or dentate, pubscent on both sides, minutely gland dotted, petioles slender, hairy, flowers, purplish in elongate racemes in close whorls, stamens exserted, upper pair with a small bearded appendage at the base, fruits nutlets, smooth, not mucilaginous when wetted. Chemical ConstituentsEugenol, Eugenol methol ether and carvacrol, methyl chavicol cineole and linalool, Ursolic acid. Cosmetic UsesBasil is widely used in cosmetics, perfumes, shampoos and soaps. Formulated to restore luster, body and flexibility to limp and non-manageable hair. To strengthen and give volume without added weight. Contains Sea Alginate for a fine, gentle hair coating. Use in combination with Lemon Perfecting Rinse and ideally in conjunction with Holy Basil Conditioning Scalp Toner. Herbalists recommend basil tea for stomach aches, indigestion and constipation. They steep a teaspoon of dried basil leaves in a cup of boiling water to make a tea that soothes, relaxes and aids digestion. Use dried basil leaves in potpourris and sachets. Tulsi has been shown to be helpful in helping irritated skin feel better. Aromatic and used for drying, for fragrance in pot-pourris and sachets; cosmetic use in herbal bath mixtures and for bringing luster to the hair. Ursolic acid is one of the constituents of holy basil, which has anti ageing properties. Ursolic acid treatment improves the health of skin and hair. Ursolic acid and its derivatives form oil-resistant barriers on the skin and hair as they do in the waxy coating of fruits6. Ursolic acid has been used to treat photoaged skin because it prevents and improves the appearance of wrinkles and age spots by restoring the skin's collagen bundle structures and its elasticity. Holy Basil Conditioning in case of dandruff and itching we recommend using Scalp Toner each time after a cleansing treatment. It was said to strengthen faith, compassion, and mental clarity. More recent clinical experience shows that Basil increases blood flow to the brain, relieving mental fatigue, enhancing clear thinking, and improving memory. Basil also connects the thought process with speech, enhancing self-expression. Basil has been used as a sacred herb in India and Europe for many centuries. Basil is used in hair rinses to bring luster to hair. Usesthe plant is bitterm acrid, aromatic, stomatic, demulcent, diaphoretic, digestive, diuretic, expectorant, febrifuge,. Vermifuge and alexeteric. It is useful in cardiopathy, homeopathy, leucoderma, asthma, brochitis fever, otalgia, hepatopahty, vomiting, lumbago, hiccough, ophthalmia, gastropathy in children, genito-urinary disorders, rignworm, verminosis and skin diseases. Basil clears the sinuses, promotes digestion, and stimulates circulation, especially in the respiratory system. The herb has very important medicinal properties - notably its ability to reduce blood sugar levels. It also prevents peptic ulcers and other stress related conditions like hypertension, colitis and asthma. Basil is also used to treat cold and reduce fever, congestion and joint pain.know more7392087033Get Best PriceCall Now Rose Petals, Rose OilAsk PriceDescription A small, erect, prickly shrub with unequal, large, hooked prickles and many bristles, leaves compound, alternate, leaflets usually five, rachis not prickly,...DescriptionA small, erect, prickly shrub with unequal, large, hooked prickles and many bristles, leaves compound, alternate, leaflets usually five, rachis not prickly, flowers usually pink, very fragrant, very double on long slender pedicels, calyx tube globose, ovoid, the mouth contracted, lobes 4-5 imbricate, petals many, stames many, inserted on the mouth of the calyx tube, carpels many in the bottom of the calyx tube, style subterminal, free stigma thickened, ovules solitary, pendulous, fruit a fleshy his enclosing bony achenes, seeds small, pendulous. Chemical ConstituentsEssential oil, Querctin, Kaempferol and cyaniding from whole plant, cyaniding 3, 5- diglucoside from petalsm. Detection of citronell, nerol, geraniol and phenylethanol in essential oil. Flowers contain a bitter principle, tannin matter, fatty oil and organic acids. Hips contain the pigments lycopene. ? -and y-carotenes, rubixanthin, zeaxanthin, xanthophylla and taranthin. Cosmetic UseRose is good for most skin types and is used in a wide range of cosmetics. Rosewater is a natural cosmetic made from Rose oil, Alcohol, and distilled water. Used to make cold creams and lotions and other cosmetic uses. may be used in potpourri as a pleasant cent. Mix with vegetable glycerine for moisturizing use. Mostly perfumery, also in toilet preparations, lozenges and toothpaste. Homes uses in butter, syrup, jams and honey. Rose water is used in desserts, pastries and cakes. MedicalInternal - asthma, high blood pressure, bronchitis, slow circulation, diarrhea, dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation), cough, fever, fluid retention, Indigestion, insomnia, palpitation, stress, urinary tract infections. Externalabrasions, boils, burns, fragile capillaries, post natal depression, dermatitis, eczema headache, insomnia, poor memory, rashes, sores, oral thrush, tinea. Rose Water Rose Water is the by product of producing rose essential oil. It has skin softening, toning, soothing and healing properties. Was used during Victorian times to soothe the skin. Rose water is nature's finest beauty tonic. It is perfect after a facial or cleansing. If you rinse your hair in rose water, it gives it a natural shine by closing the cuticle.know more7392098491Get Best PriceCall Now Calendula, Calendula Petals, Pot Marigold and PetalsAsk PriceDescription An aromatic, erect, annual herb, upto 60cm in high, stem angular glandular, hairy, leaves long, lower spathulate, entire, upper lanceolate. With...DescriptionAn aromatic, erect, annual herb, upto 60cm in high, stem angular glandular, hairy, leaves long, lower spathulate, entire, upper lanceolate. With cordate-amplexicaul base, flowers heads terminal, heterogamous, light yellow to deep orange, ray florets fertile. Cosmetic Uses Calendula petals can be used to make a nourishing skin cream or cleanser, and a strong infusion made from marigold petals can be used to lighten hair. Flowers are used for hair rinse, herbal bath for stimulation to aid circulation and sooth skin. Combine with chamomile and comfrey for an all-purpose soothing mix for all skin types. Good in bath or facial mixtures. Used in the bath is considered stimulating. Cosmetic Flower Add petals to creams and baths for cleansing, healing and softening the skin. Aromatic Pungent to sweet aroma, deters flies. Calendula used both internally and externally has been found to be one of the single most useful herbs in skin care. It is useful for cuts, abrasions, wounds, bruises, fungal infections, rashes and insect bites. The flowers were used on a large scale by surgeons during the American Civil War to treat wounds and there it received its highest recognition. Used in a massage oil it is said to help get rid of cellulite. Medicinal UsesAnti-inflammatory, relieves muscle spasms, Astringent, Prevents haemorrhaging, Heals wounds antiseptic, Detoxifying, Mildly oestrongenic. Calendula is said to encourage healing, aid digestion, fight fungal infections and cure diaper rash. this flower can be used as many herbal medicinal remedies for headaches, toothaches, stomachaches, fever reducers and menstrual cramps. It can reduce swelling in insect bites, sprains, jaundice, sore eyes, wounds and other skin irritations when the calendula is made into an ointment. Lip balms can be made to soothe chapped lips as well. The calendula's bright colors ranging from gold to bright orange have also been boiled to make brilliant dyes for fabrics, cosmetics and food. know more7392112397Get Best PriceCall Now Cleansing Cream Ingredients & HerbsAsk Price Wholesale suppliers and exporters of Cleansing Cream Ingredients. We offer a wide range of Herbs for use in Cleansing Creams....Wholesale suppliers and exporters of Cleansing Cream Ingredients. We offer a wide range of Herbs for use in Cleansing Creams.know more7391998097Get Best PriceCall Now Cucumber, Cucumber Plant, Cucumber SeedsAsk PriceDescription A hispidly hairy trailing or climbing annual, leaves simple, alternate, deeply cordate, 3-5 lobed, both surfaces hairy, margin denticulate, flowers yellow, males...DescriptionA hispidly hairy trailing or climbing annual, leaves simple, alternate, deeply cordate, 3-5 lobed, both surfaces hairy, margin denticulate, flowers yellow, males clustered, bearing anthers cohering, connective crusted or elevated above the cells, females solitary, thickly covered with very bulbous-based hairs, fruits cylindrical pepo of varying sizes and forms seeds cream or white, test hard, smooth. Chemical ConstituentsThe serial parts of the cucumber plant contain a 14 a-methyl-phytosterol, a- and ß-amyrin, multiflorenol, isomultiflorenol, 24, methylenecy-cloartenol, cycloartenol, triucallol. Presence of a cytokinin-binding protein, isophentenyl trialcolhol is also reported in the cotyledons of var. 'Guntur'. Cosmetic UsesCucumber including cucumber seeds and cucumber fruit is excellent for rubbing over the skin to keep it soft and white. Cucumber fruit is cooling, healing and soothing to an irritated skin, whether caused by sun, or the effects of a cutaneous eruption, and Cucumber plant juice is in great demand in various forms as a cooling and beautifying agent for the skin. Cucumber fruit has soothing effects on the skin and improves moisture retention. Cucumber soap is used by many women, and a Cucumber wash applied to the skin after exposure to keen winds is extremely beneficial. Emollient ointments prepared from the Cucumber plant were formerly considerably employed in irritated states of the skin, but they have been largely superseded by non-fatty cosmetics. The most frequently used preparation of Cucumber plant and Cucumber fruits at the present time is the cosmetic preparation known as Cucumber Jelly, which is used as a soothing application in roughness of the skin, etc. Cucumber consists of a jelly of tragacanth, quince seeds or some similar mucilaginous drug, flavoured with Cucumber juice, which imparts to the preparation a characteristic odour. Used as a skin lotionknow more7392109497Get Best PriceCall Now ChamomileAsk PriceChamomile, closely related to the daisy, has become one of the most popular herbal remedies in the world, with an extremely broad range of applications and uses, both...Chamomile, closely related to the daisy, has become one of the most popular herbal remedies in the world, with an extremely broad range of applications and uses, both internally and externally. For example, it is used in a great many cosmetic creams and lotions, and combined with other herbs such as lavender to create aromatic bathing experiences. When used in such external manners, it is prized for its volatile oils. A great and powerful herb that tones, has a calming quality, improves tissue regeneration and soothes the skin. Skincare Benefits of Chamomileinclude soothing and softening the skin, alleviating rashes, abrasions, and burns. Even more serious skin conditions as eczema may respond positively to topical chamomile ointments or lotions. It has anti-bacterial properties as well, which may help faciliate healing of various infections. Infusion UsesSoothing bath or skin problems bath. Skin lotion, facial, shampoo and rinse for blonds (lightens blond hair). Softens rough skin, and as a skin cleanser. COMPRESS of INFUSION is used to soothe irritated skin and to reduce puffiness, for sensitive skin, inflamed skin, eczema and seborrhoea. Also as a rinse for fragile hair. Chamomile Tea is an excellent rinse for fine hair, especially during hot weather - just be sure to strain it well before using! It is also famed for lightening hair, which is why it is frequently used in shampoos for blonde hair.Chamomile bath for a relaxing bath to ease weariness and pain, add a few drops of chamomile essential oil to bath water. Alternatively, make up a litre of chamomile tea and add to the bath water. Chamomile Essential Oil A spicy relaxing scent, healing and antiseptic; beneficial for skin and hair care.know more7392081173Get Best PriceCall Now Natural Tea Tree LeavesAsk PriceDescription Tea Tree an evergreen reaching 7 m, with laters of papery bark, pointed tea tree leaves and white flower spikes. Chemical constituents Natural Tea Tree Oil is...Description Tea Tree an evergreen reaching 7 m, with laters of papery bark, pointed tea tree leaves and white flower spikes. Chemical constituents Natural Tea Tree Oil is volatile oil, terpinen-4-ol-40%, gamma-terpinene 24%, alphaterpinene 10%, cineol 5%.Medicinal UsesTea Tree Oil is antisceptic, Anti bacterial, Anti fungal and Immune stimulant. Cosmetic usesThe compounds in natural tea tree oil benefit the skin and are non-irritating. The tea tree essential oil contains several important compounds, including terpines, cymones, pinines, terpineols, cineol, sesquiterpenes, and sesquiterpene alcohols. Tea tree oil is nice to have on hand for its proven abilities. Natural tea tree oil recommended for external use only in poultices and other skin cleansing applications. Those properties make tea tree essential oil a popular ingredient in shampoos, creams, skin cleansers, and other external cosmetic applications. Tea tree leaves are widely used in Facial Treatments, Hair Care, Nail Care, Oral Hygiene, Personal Hygiene, Shaving, Skin Care. Use natural tea tree oil after waxing or ear piercing to sanitise and anaesthetize. Excellent Natural Preservative. Tea Tree Oil has a long history of use as an herbal medicine. In recent years, biochemists and aromatherapists defined the therapeutic nature of tea tree essential oil, and as a result, tea tree has become widely popular as an alternative remedy. The key to natural tea tree oil's medicinal effectiveness is two chemical constituents found in the oil -- cineole and terpinen. Although both are bactericidal and germicidal, cineole can be a powerful skin irritant. Therefore, tea tree oils with low cineole and high terpinen contents are preferred. Because the terpinen found in tea tree oil is so mild, it can soothe cuts, scratches, sunburn and cold sores. Since it is non-irritating, you can apply a single drop of the oil directly to minor injuries once or twice a day. Some of the most effective aromatherapy uses for tea tree oil are cosmetic in nature.know more7392104088Get Best PriceCall Now
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